Why did he do this?

Okay,soo iim 14 turniinqq 15 iin december=) yayy mee!! Lolsxz Buhh nee way ii liikee thiiss boyy andd hee iis 17. Beiinqq dhaa person ii am ii toldd hiim today at lunchh that ii liikee hiim! Hee saiidd that hee liiked mhee too buh yuh cant really truss ahh boy! Feel mhee? Usually aftah lunch we all qo to a class whiich ii share wiith hiss bess friend (kiinaa liikee ahh bruvahh too mhee) buhtt hee didint come.=(. Then aftah that class we usually meet upp andd talk on dha steps and sometimes he walkes me to class. Today we meet up buht he diidnt talk to mhe. Only “mhaa bruvahh” andd mhaa bess friend.

What does that mean? Andd Why did he do it? Is that bad? Am ii over reacting?

Ii wouldd talk too mhaa frends buhh of course they are qonnaa tell mhee wah tii wann hear. Andd ii want outsiidee opiinions=)

Answer #1

it means write properly and I might understand but it might just mean he does really like you and now its in the open he is nervous around you!!!

hope this helps! x

Answer #2

ii think hes shy :OO

Answer #3

lolsxz, iim sorry! I instant msg a lot with my friends. so thats what im use to!

but thanks for the advice on both!

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