Who am I to him?

Recently, I met a guy. We’re becoming close frm day 2 day and our frens even thinks that we’re dating.. Well, I have 2 admit that he spends lotsa money on me, like paying for my food, paying for the movie etc.. When he asks me out for a movie, well, I was kinda shock and excited.. Unfortunately, on that day, some of my friends went 2 the mall too. So, in short we’re sort of hanging out together.. Since then he suddenly became quiet.. Well, I guess mayb because he doesn’t know my friends that well. But my friends says that he’s probably jealous because my close guy friend was there too. Lotsa things happen between us and I dont know how 2 say it.. So do you guys think that there’s a possibility that he’s interested in me?

Answer #1

Based on what you wrote I think there’s no question that he likes you. Not just from buying you things but wanting to spend personal tome with you. I even sense jealousy when he all of a sudden got quiet when your guy friend was around. Best way to tell is to hang out just the two of you and see where it goes.

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