Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Why does my boyfriend get so offencive with this?
  2. Why cant I learn to like someone else?
  3. How can I no if im going too far or not enough in the vagina?
  4. How do I find out if a guy likes me?
  5. what - one of my bro friends like ME ?
  6. how to finger myself to reach an orgasm?
  7. What should She do about the other guy?
  8. Why did she just leave?
  9. What do I need to do with this guy?
  10. What dirty texts should I send to my boyfriend?
  11. How do I get him to leave me alone?
  12. Why do gay guy s think im cute?
  13. How to deal with someone you love in prison?
  14. How do I stop feeling like this?
  15. Why am I such a chicken?
  16. What to do if you are missing someone?
  17. What are some good things to talk about to break the ice?
  18. What should I do? & What does it mean?
  19. What would be the best way to get out of the friend zone?
  20. Why is my boyfriend so stupid is it because he is 14 and im 16?
  21. How can I over come this fear?
  22. How do you get a girl friend in 10th grade?
  23. How should I cmfornt dis girl and when,where?
  24. What to do while he's 'doing me'?
  25. Why do I get so 'jealous' ?
  26. How should I tell sandy that I like her?
  27. Why do guys always ask the most annoying questions ?
  28. What do I do if my cousin actually likes me???
  29. What are some good things 2 talk about 2 get to know a girl better?
  30. Why does my boyfriend hang up on me when his ex is around?
  31. What should I do if the guy I like is 3 years older?
  32. How do I be nice to the girlfriend of my ex-love?
  33. What the best way for my boyfriend to give me a squirting orgasm ?
  34. What can I do to help my girlfriend?
  35. How can I stay round this lads house?
  36. What would be the best way to ask a girl out with good chances?
  37. What should I do?? shsrt?
  38. Why is it that everytime I Jack off I can never cum?
  39. When I let my boyfriend finger me do I have to take my pants off?
  40. Why does nico have to like her too?
  41. How do shy guys act?
  42. Why is my bestfriend mad?
  43. what if my girl is laying next to me, naked, what should I do???
  44. how should anyone deal with a painful breakup?
  45. what should I do for our year dating???
  46. Why am I starting to get annoyed with my boyfriend?
  47. How come relationships are always good in the beginning?
  48. How do I deal with this guy?
  49. What should I do if my girlfriends a baby but were to young?
  50. Why does this girl keep looking at me?
  51. What shoud I do with my relationship, its longdistance, and a year?
  52. Why does it seem my friends hate me all of a sudden?
  53. What happens if I am annoyed of the person I like?
  54. What to do while hooking up that will feel great for my girlfriend?
  55. How do you let a girl no you HATE her without telling her urself?
  56. What if "he was good", but "He was better"?
  57. Why haven't any guys asked me out/to be their girlfriend?
  58. How should I keep my boyfriend interested in me?
  59. How to help a best mate?
  60. What are somethings I could with my boyfriend indoors?
  61. Why does she get mad when he talks to me?
  62. How do I know if im not straight?
  63. Why do I love him so much?
  64. why is there something wrong with girls to guys?
  65. How can I tell my baby father I cheated on him and gave him trich?
  66. what's the easiest way to get over a guy?
  67. Why can't I get over him?
  68. what do I say in a text to my girlfriend, I'm out of ideas?
  69. why is my boyfriend of 3yrs an ass?
  70. When a guy gives you a number and its no longer in service?
  71. Where should a girl out her hands on a guy when they're making out?
  72. Why do older guys like me and want to touch me?
  73. Why did he do that? Will you help me please?
  74. Why did I dream about my Ex-boyfriend?
  75. How do I move on from loving him?
  76. How long does it take to know your significant other?
  77. Why is it that females give better gifts to their mates?
  78. Why are men so nieve and always want things to go their way?
  79. Why does my boyfriend accuse me of cheating? Is he cheating?
  80. How do I make my boyfriend more interested?
  81. How do I get my boyfriend to speak to me again?
  82. How to Make Small Talk ?
  83. How do you let go of someone that you still love?
  84. What discussion with a Boss?
  85. when* does asnyone need a girl friend?
  86. what, is it normal to be talking about marrige and having kids?
  87. what happens when girls have a orgasm?
  88. how do I flirt with a 11 yr old boy that I like?
  89. How can I ask this guy out?
  90. Why can I not make a sounds while being fingered?
  91. Why is my crush like this?
  92. who more a player in a relationship a boy or a girl?
  93. Who to choose.Confused heart..HELP?
  94. where should I hang out with my crush?
  95. why wasent it fun for me ?
  96. What does it feel like, this is for boys?
  97. What should I do, my love life is messed up and I need advice?
  98. What are some good dares that I can do by myself, anal dares work?
  99. Why do men cheat so damn much?
  100. How do I get my boyfriend to eat me out?