Love & Relationships Questions

  1. how to make him comfortable?
  2. What must I do to get over this guy?
  3. Why don't guys my age like me?
  4. What is the least harsh thing to do when turning down a guy?
  5. Why can't anyone get me?
  6. What should I do ?? Tell him how I really feel or ?
  7. Why cant I tell him I love him?
  8. How do I get a guy I like to like me?
  9. What makes a person gay or bi?
  10. How should I go for younger girls?
  11. What is he trying to sayy???
  12. what does it mean if im a attracted to one girl but I have a boyfriend?
  13. Who (guys) would date and african american girl?
  14. What does it mean if a guy says you thick as hell ?
  15. Why does it make a farting noise when he licks me out?
  16. how do I tell a guy how much I like him?
  17. How should I have my boobs ??
  18. What are some good mildly dirty phrases I can tease my guy with?
  19. what does it mean.I like him&he supposedly likes me ?
  20. What to do when I get my first kiss??
  21. What if I'm in love with another guy?
  22. How do you know whether a guy likes you or not?
  23. What should I do with my girlfriends mood swings?
  24. What does it mean when a guy tells you he will make you wet?
  25. What do I do, when my best guy friend likes me?
  26. How would you react to getting asked out?
  27. What does he want? Me or her?
  28. What's wrong with this man?
  29. What do I say to my boyfriend to make him smile ?
  30. What can I do to make sure the girls I meet will see me as more...?
  31. What does it mean when I have bad dreams about the guy I like?
  32. What should I get my bodyboarder boyfriend for his 17th bday?
  33. How to break the touch barrier with him?
  34. What do you do when a guy eats you out?
  35. how can I get over my ex I still really love?
  36. How to be less of a loner?
  37. What to do when your spouse does not take responsibility for abuse?
  38. How do I not be negative?
  39. What the heck is wrong with me?
  40. How to deal with amarried man who is selfish?
  41. How do I start a dirty text message conversation?
  42. should I report my boyfriend to the police?
  43. What is the best way to loosen myself?
  44. How do I get married at 17, without parental consent, in MD or WV?
  45. how will I fix this friendship?
  46. How do I still stay bestfriends, with my other bestfriends ex?
  47. what does it mean when a guy says this?
  48. What do I do my crush told me he has a new girlfriend?
  49. What are guy opinions on girls who squirt?
  50. How do you make a boy ask you out?
  51. How would a fat guy can attract a hot/cute girl?
  52. How do I get my boyfriend to kiss me by the end of next year?
  53. What are the good and bad of spanish boys?
  54. When you go out?
  55. why is truly loving someone so hard?
  56. Who has been raped?
  57. Can you help me pleas ?
  58. Why does he keep mixing my emotions?
  59. how to convince my dad to let my boyfriend stay the night?
  60. Why do my boyfriend make me feel like he dont care about me ?
  61. How can a marine have domestic partnership?
  62. How can I calm down?!?
  63. how do I find a great guy that I can trust around my son?
  64. Should I tell this guy how I feel?
  65. What is it like to love someone undcondistionally?
  66. Why Do I Get Affended When People Call Me Fat ?
  67. what happens if Condom split but on Pill..Please help?
  68. why don't I like sleeping over at other friend's houses?
  69. Who thinks its alright if me and my best friend finger each other?
  70. What can I do about my two loves??
  71. How do I get this guy to like me?
  72. What will happen to me if I tell?
  73. How do you eat a girl out?
  74. What to do when your best friend talks about you?
  75. Why do guys suck?
  76. What should I say to him, does age matter?
  77. How do I get over my ex?
  78. What should I do about my boyfriend cheating?
  79. Am I crazy for falling in love with him ?
  80. Should we try to make our relationship work?
  81. What should I do about liking a girl out of my league?
  82. why did my boyfrend cheat on me?
  83. How do I stop feeling self concious?
  84. how to give hints to my shy boyfriend to kiss me?
  85. Should I be bi?
  86. What should I do about my friend, Janie?
  87. What sarangeyo means?
  88. How to kiss someone at school?
  89. What should do if my crush is taking my friend to a warriors game?
  90. what sign would be my so called soul mate?
  91. why are girls so confusing?
  92. What does it means when a guy bites your ear ?
  93. Where is a good place to make out with my boyfriend?
  94. How should a girl ask a guy out?
  95. When is love enough?
  96. What does it means when a guy bute your ear ?
  97. Who should I take to the dance?
  98. Why am I scared to talk to boys ?
  99. why is he acting this way?
  100. What do I do. im so worried I might lose him?