How do you know whether a guy likes you or not?

okay well, a few days ago I went to a little party. this guy kept looking at me. it was weird because I’ve never had a guy do that to me, so I don’t know why he did. other people didn’t seem to look at me that much, but he did. he would even smile when I looked back at him. and whenever I sit with a group of friends, he comes near us then goes away, comes near us and goes away. or when I go somewhere, he tries to come closer to me, like walk towards where I’m heading. he’s pretty cute though haha. but the thing that made me wonder was all the staring and smiling. does that mean he likes me? or does he just want to be a friend or something?

Answer #1

I think he mite like you but then aqain whenever he smiles at u, just smile back andd try to talk to him start off as a friend ndd if he does like you he will eventually ask youu out :)

Answer #2

He likes you when guys do that that means they like you. Next time when he’s not looking at you go up to him and talk to him but be nice all the way and ask him he he wants to eat lunch with you.

Answer #3

well if he actualy stirred that much think he may like you and to be honest I think you should ask him for his number

Answer #4

Yeah i used to be a lil overweight and real subconsious about my weight and had no confidence and did thi

Answer #5

Yeah i used to be a lil overweight and real subconsious about my weight and had no confidence and did this at a lil pong get together. I just staired at a pretty girl cuz i was 2 scared 2 talk 2 her. Either the dude had no confidence or was real shy. But sure enough liked you

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