When you go out?

Today I’m going to go chill with a guy I have a major crush on and I am really nervous I have been having butterflys in my stomach all morning .

Another question

Am I wrong for being mad at my bestfriend , she knew I really liked this guy and said that that’s good and for me to go for it and then comes in the next day saying she likes him now to… She keeps hanging all over him and everyone is saying she is acting rediculous. It is so obvious that he just doesn’t like her. And after she said she liked him we’ve been competing for him , and that’s when I stepped up and gave him my number , he said he liked me last night but I’m too afraid to tell my friend if thts what you want to call her , she hates to lose and I dont know whatwill happen with me and her

Answer #1

If she decides she doesn’t want to be friends with you because some guy likes you, she wasn’t your friend in the first place. From what you’ve said, you arn’t doing anything wrong and she is acting rediculous. She probably will be mad but give her some space to cool down and she will come back to you eventually.

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