Love & Relationships Questions

  1. What if you found out your boyfriend has herpes?
  2. Does he like me back or not?
  3. Do I break up with him for someone else?
  4. Am I really over him?
  5. What if my best friend dumped her boyfriend for someone else?
  6. How do you know if you like a guy?
  7. Why do I feel betrayed?
  8. Should I tell her?
  9. What makes a guy horny?
  10. Should I move on?
  11. What to ask a girl if you love her?
  12. Why do people cheat?
  13. Any emo guys around here?
  14. Should I go for it with my friend?
  15. I lost my old friends
  16. What should I do with this one girl?
  17. How do I tell my girl that I love her in spanish?
  18. What am I going to do?
  19. Why does this suddenly hurt?
  20. How do you flirt with guys?
  21. Should I wait to marry him?
  22. My fiance is going to the Marines
  23. Is she a true best friend?
  24. Who am I going to choose?
  25. Should I be her friend after she exposed me?
  26. Should I go for him?
  27. Should I try it with him anyway?
  28. How shall I do it?
  29. Should I call him today?
  30. Should I confront him?
  31. How to get girls to like you?
  32. What to do about this college boy?
  33. Should I stay with my boyfriend or go out with this other guy?
  34. How to ask out the girl up the road?
  35. Why doesn't my girlfriend want me to take enlargement supplements?
  36. Should I tell him?
  37. How do you make people take you seriously?
  38. Why does he still need to contact his exes?
  39. What should I do?
  40. Is it healthy to swallow cum?
  41. Best way to get laid?
  42. How can I find my love?
  43. Is he sincere?
  44. Does this take your virginity?
  45. Are cum and sperm the same thing?
  46. Should I hook up with this guy?
  47. How do I handle a backstabbing friend?
  48. Does he really like me?
  49. How to help someone who was raped?
  50. Should I do it again?
  51. What do girls want to know about guys?
  52. How to save our friendship?
  53. Should I get married in a color other than white?
  54. How do they see if you love them?
  55. Does he love me like he says?
  56. How do I forget the pain?
  57. Is hate truly love lacking perfection?
  58. Why do guys cheat?
  59. Honest opinions: Am I attractive?
  60. Why do men like to kiss women on the lips?
  61. Is this cute guy interested?
  62. Does height play a major role in dating for you?
  63. Do you think he's dead?
  64. Why don't they talk to me?
  65. Should I be mad?
  66. My best friend and I like the same guy
  67. How to break up if I love him?
  68. This guy likes me and I like his friend
  69. Scared for our relationship
  70. Why do I only love him?
  71. What to do if he doesn't leave me alone?
  72. How to tell my ex to just leave me alone?
  73. Should I tell him I still have feelings for him?
  74. What if I'm in love with my computer?
  75. Should I just let go?
  76. Why am I so frigid towards people?
  77. Why did he wait until the last day of camp to ask me out?
  78. How to get this perfect boy back?
  79. Looking for a little sanity...
  80. A little tender love and care
  81. How to get a girlfriend easily?
  82. Would you trust them?
  83. Why hasn't he called me?
  84. Does he love me?
  85. Should I tell him I like him?
  86. How to stop her from getting mad?
  87. Should I ask a teacher's daughter out?
  88. When do I ask her out?
  89. What are some cute nicknames for your boyfriend?
  90. Why wouldn't he like me?
  91. Do I like him or am I over him?
  92. What is your worst day ever like?
  93. How can my friend get her boyfriend back?
  94. Will I always cheat?
  95. First thing in the morning...
  96. Cheated on my fiance with my ex
  97. What to do when he finds out I cheated?
  98. Is it my fault that this happened?
  99. How to get things back to normal?
  100. How do you open up in a relationship?