Should I just let go?

My boyfriend of 5 months just broke up last friday…

I’m not sure wheather to let him go and let him be happy with his new girlfriend

or to hold on to him and continue to drive myself insane…


Answer #1

Hey Babe,

You should move on…if he has then you should; find someone else! you obviously deserve it? Can I say when my boyfriend and I broke up he went with other girl quite fast to be honst and I the same went with another guy… Now we’re back together and we both admit just trying to get over each other fast when it clearly wasnt going to happen that soon!

So perhaps he is just trying to get over you in some way…maybe its worth giving him a nudge to see if thats the case?

Let me know.

Answer #2

I strongly agree you need to move on. And if he moved on so fast you shouldnt never miss what you never had. You are making yourself look like an idiot by holding on I’m sorry, you even said your insane yourself.

Answer #3

Ok, well if he has a new girlfriend already Im not quite sure it affected him the way it affected you, I would suggest if you really have serious feelings for him, then inform him, and talk it over for one last time, and if he does not feel the same way, then just let it go, remember there are always MANY guys out there, dont waste it all on one.. :]

Answer #4

Dear kittyinacup, Of course you know what to do…you move on, he has. There is nothing as sad as an ex that won’t let go. If you are seeking to be happy then do what you know is right…and have no contact with him and let him be. Sue…good luck

Answer #5

yeah, I’m in the same situation, except my ex tells me he is still (and always will) love me, and I will always love him. I don’t want to let him go either. it’s hard. I still haven’t made up my mind what to do.

Answer #6

Whats the point in hanging on to something you dont even have.

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