Am I really over him?

How do you know when you’re really over someone? I went out with this boy for 5-6 months and it was nothing but hell really. Too much drama..he cheated a lot. I cheated once. We’ve broken up 6 times. Each time we kept on getting back together. now he’s been kicked out of school for about 2 months and I’m going out with someone else. I feel I’m over him, I keep telling myself that I am. The one I’m with now treats me so much better, and we don’t even get to see each other that often. We’ve been going out for 2 weeks and he recently revealed to me that he loves me. I love him too. My ex hasn’t been on my mind lately…at all. It’s only been the one I’m with now. Yet the one I’m with now thinx that I would leave him for my ex.(Which I am not going to) So how can I prove to him that I’m not going to leave him for the one that hurt me so much?

Answer #1

he has no reason to think that if he brings up your ex’s name say “ew I dont want to talk about him only about us” never bring him up and evemtually he will get it

Answer #2

Obviously your current boyfriend knows that you cared about your ex at some point in your life, and that makes him nervous. Plus you guys are still fairly early in your relationship so things are still kinda fragile. My advice would be to just make sure your boyfriend knows how much you care about him, and try not to let the conversation turn to the past. Instead focus on the future. Just remember that the only thing that is going to make your boyfriend have faith in your feelings for him is your actions and time, so make sure you don’t do anything that would cause him not to trust you (I.e. more cheating) and give your relationship time to grow. BTW-kudos to you for finding a guy that will treat you the way you deserve to be treated!

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