Should I do it again?

I slept with a married man, I know its wrong but I have been in love with the guy for over 2 years. the chemestry has always been there, and when we finally hooked up it was amazing! We both can’t tell anyone cause we have too much to loose, but the sad thing is I would do it again in a heart beat. I can’t stop thinking about it, it was like the romance you see in movies, I can’t explain it. so okay, someone tell me how evil I am and that I’m going to hell… but… I’m so scatter- brained right now I don’t know what to do.

Answer #1

its normal, but its probably just the rush that you enjoy the most. Not being able to get caught. Some peoples lives get so repetative that something like that is a godsend. I almost slept with a married chick a couple weeks ago, I stopped myself though and slept on the couch. but that doesn’t make me any better than you

Answer #2

I’m not trying to justify anything but I’m using him just as much as he’s using me.Plus he was married about 5 years before he met me so it’s not like we knew each other and then he got married. and No he dosen’t sweet talk me or anything, I would never expect him to leave his wife for me. That’s not what I want. I’m just being selfesh I guess and just thinking about myself.

Answer #3

I just couldn’t, her man is in Iraq so I have respect for that. And Jennns, it makes a big difference if you have been in love with him for a couple years, makes it 20 times as hard so don’t be rough on yourself. I do know this other married chick and if she wanted to I know I wouldn’t be able to resist. Need to talk drop me a funmail

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