Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Do you have insane friends?
  2. My boyfriend smells
  3. Why would a guy change?
  4. Whats the worst thing you have done in the movies?
  5. What does this mean when I get excited around guys?
  6. What should I do about this boy?
  7. Do I seem dateable?
  8. The Next Step After Making Out?
  9. Someone else asked him out!
  10. How can I make more friends?
  11. Was he just waiting for me to 'put out?'
  12. Can't find the right guy to marry
  13. Body parts
  14. Stay single, or date?
  15. Show my love
  16. Help with boys
  17. Penis names
  18. Songs about having a friend for a long time?
  19. Online Dating
  20. She is starting to like him again
  21. Breaking up
  22. Friends or boyfriend
  23. Got in trouble at work for selling alcohol
  24. What if your boyfriend cheated on you?
  25. Like someone but they're angry at me
  26. Age ain't nothin but a number?
  27. Is he too old?
  28. Do you think that find your partner or couple is a thing of destiny
  29. Why is my friend and her mom treating me like this?
  30. Any Help
  31. I cry a lot
  32. Would it be a bad idea?
  33. How do you stop crying when you have nothing to smile about
  34. What the best way to 'break the ice'?
  35. Chat up lines?
  36. What was your favorite?
  37. How do I get a girlfriend?
  38. Break up
  39. My close friend and I like each other
  40. How can I get back his trust?
  41. Family stuff
  42. Explain myself about a piercing with kidney disease
  43. He acts weird when he has a new girlfriend
  44. My boyfriend is a sadistic jerk
  45. Tough love, why do people need it?
  46. Staying in on Saturday
  47. I'm going to grow up to be a hermit
  48. Does she love me?
  49. He has a Girlfriend.
  50. How do I convince my parents to let me date?
  51. How to know if you're in love?
  52. Why do they do this?
  53. I like two girls
  54. We like the same guy
  55. What is my dance teacher's problem?
  56. How to get a girl to go out with me
  57. I used to like him and now he e-mails me
  58. How to tell a boy you like him?
  59. How to get him to accept that we're over?
  60. In love and he doesn't know I exist
  61. I like him but his best friend likes me
  62. How to hint that I'd like an anniversary present?
  63. Falling in love too soon
  64. Liking this guy
  65. I was dumped in a myspace message.
  66. Need guy advice
  67. What's the right decision?
  68. How can you tell when someones going to dump you?
  69. Broken Friendship
  70. When you are hyper are you horny?
  71. I like her but I don't know how to tell her
  72. Would you have walked away from your man?
  73. Do guys like it if girls make the first move?
  74. Hey guys how old do I really look?
  75. People think I'm retarded
  76. Is this dark?
  77. Friends problem
  78. I bombed the first date
  79. Insecurity
  80. Getting girls to like me
  81. How can I make my boyfriend happy again?
  82. Best friend love
  83. My friends smoke everything!
  84. Meeting new people
  85. What would you say I am?
  86. What do you think about porn?
  87. Should I date her even if my friend used to like her?
  88. Who's your fictional boyfriend or girlfriend?
  89. What annoys you most about yur crush/girlfriend/boyfriend?
  90. What should I do?
  91. Will I regret this?
  92. How do I make him feel better?
  93. My friend has been cutting herself
  94. Not sure if we were safe
  95. I dont want to breakup !
  96. He doesn't know how to finger a girl
  97. I just broke up
  98. She is new to relationships but...
  99. My boyfriend gets hard and soft at random times
  100. Is this foot fetish bad?