Was he just waiting for me to 'put out?'

I’m so confused about my old friend because I thought things were going great. He made plans that he would hang out sometime with me. But when summer finally came, I asked if we were still going to hang out. He just says “I don’t know maybe later, it depends if I want to or not.” I just said it was ok and then he says “you shouldn’t like me I would hurt you.” I didn’t really understand what he ment by that because we were just friends and so I thought that he was just trying to get rid of me. The next day he asked why I didn’t invite him in bed. I just laughed and told him maybe next time jking. He resonds “not even snuggling?” I just said I’m not a touchy person. Then he says “not even if I asked you to cuddle?” It was really akward. Few days later I asked if he cared about me and he just says not sure. Then says that he doesn’t want to be friends with me because I get mad/freak out to much. I don’t know what I’m mad/freaked out about. Finally I fight to keep our friendship and he asked “what would you do if you saw me in the shower?” I asked “why would I be there?” so he says “we can’t be friends.” I called him and he didn’t want to talk and we haven’t spoken for a month. Was it just a plan to get rid of me? or something???

Answer #1

he was definatly using you hun. its good he isnt your friend anymore because he wasnt a very good friend. dont worry about one guy. youll meet plenty more you can be friends with… hope I helped and need further advice fun mail me ~kaitlyn~

Answer #2

he sounds like a creep.. it seems like he only wants to.. do stuff with you and you dont want to(thats a good thing!!) so he doesnt want anything to do with you.. id forget about him.. hes being a jerk anyways

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