Any Help

ok so I have this friend of mine who used to be my boyfriend we’ve been apart for a while now and already are going in different directions…only thing is hes taking his relationships to the chat rooms and on the internet…he seems to like this girl but at times it seems like shes stressing him out and the things he tells me that she tells him seem to good to be true and to me it seems like those kind of girls who lie about their daily lives and their past so they can gain attention and sympathy as if saying they were suicidal or cutters…they broke up but then he found out it was actually her friend doing it behind her back so now they are still together technically they never broke up..hes not sure if he still wants to break up now he doesnt know what to believe anymore. I want to help him because I dont want him to get hurt…hes also asking him what I think and what he can do and I have no idea to to approach this one…can someone give any type of advice

Answer #1

If hes doubting the relationship than I think he should end it - he shouldn’t stay with her unless hes 100% that this is what he wants. I have a hard time believing those “It was my friend” excuses, most of the time it wasn’t. Just tell him they should spend some time apart and see how he feels when they aren’t together. By the sounds of it he has a lot of thinking to do, and unfortunately you cant help him make up his mind. Just be there for him. :)

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