Friends or boyfriend

I have a boyfriend I love so much I talk to him all the time but I cant I get cant…I cant tell my friends I have a boyfriend!!! All my friends hate him he ws my boyfriend one time I told him just to be friends he said ok he asked me out I said I cant he said why you love me I know you do I said yes I love you so much…1day later he asked me out and I said yes I love him…I cant tell my friends he is my boyfriend my friends told me 100time “he can rape me” no he is not I know him and you know what you dont know him you think you do but you dont!!!my friend said “but we care about you”but I need help he is my boyfriend o and my friends told me I have to go out with one of my now friends hes ok but I love so much my boyfriend why go out with him…why him!!!why not my boyfriend I know he love me he stoped drugs for me to be happy and he tells me all the time “I love you” and at night he tells me “goodnight I love you” he is so hot but my friends tell me he is so not hot…(im sad if people tell me hes not hot but people do say it so im sad) and if he is my boyfriend I will a boyfriend but no friends no more and if he is not my boyfriend I will have friends and a…boyfriend I do not love!!!please help me please!!!

Answer #1

What exactly does youre friends think of him? They probably think hes dodgy and not good enough for you, but the fact you said he stopped drugs for you and making you feel loved is a really positive thing. Im pretty sure they are looking out for your welfare and care about you very much. I think you should sit down and talk to your friends about him..and trying to get them to know him better. However, be calm and know what you are going to say. Tell them gently how you appreciate them for looking out for you, but tell the good things about your boyfriend and how you will be happy if they gave him a chance. Sometimes girls get torn between their friends and boyfriends…and it turned out to be a huge mess. You should tell your friends…cause trust me, they wont be too pleased when they find out you were sneaking him behind them. Youre obviously trapped and not sure what to do. Just tell them…Im sure they’ll understand. =)

Katie xx

Answer #2

Your friends can’t tell you what to do. Do what you want. If they are trying to tell you what to do they aren’t worth it anyway. Tell them. Lose them if you must if you really like the guy. Don’t let him tell you what to do either though. Brian D.

Answer #3

if you dont live with him he can be doing many things you may not know.

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