What should I do about this boy?

There is this guy that I really like and hes a really good mate too. I really want to ask him out but I don’t whether I should do it because I feel embarrest :s help!!!

Answer #1

If Your Embaresed Then Get A Friend To Do It 4 U

Good Luck:)

Answer #2

NOOO!!! don’t do it!!! It’s gna destroy your frndship if you ask him out and he says no!!! Make him ask u!!! Flirt with him ALL THE TIME!! He’ll get it!! If he asks you then your lucky!!! If he’s not flirting back then you should get the hint and start lookn 4 someone else!!! I’ve been in this situation many times!! AND I’ve been the both roles!! trust me!! DONT ASK HIM!!

Answer #3

go for it! if you like him then ask him out. if he says no then dont be hurt, play it off like its no big deal. just say okay, then smile and switch the topic back to whatever you were talking about before.

good luck!

Answer #4

Dont ask him to be your boyfriend right away I think that you should make plans with some friends to go to a movie on a weekend or something and then ask him if he wants to go with you. Just say hey me and some friends are going to a movie this weekend want to come. If he says no then dont act dissapoined and ask him the next time you have plans like that it works and it will give you a chance to flirt and such.

Answer #5


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