Liking this guy

Wel I like this guy at work and im trying to get his attention, were always talking and up in each others face but I want him to come on to me, so whut do I do? Should I make the move or should I make the move on him? Im just scrared of rejection.

Answer #1

Well me I would throw all little kinds of hints at him and give him that “LOOK”…LOL…u know that lil look that every girl does to get what she wants…And on the other hand if he is talking all in your face he might like you 2 and might b even more scared than you are…

Im in the same situation I think this guy likes me but I cant tell if its just as a friend or as more than that…sumtimes we even look and eachotha at the same time…yeah its real romantic…lol…but we were outside 1 day {{HOT AZ HELL}} and I said Man I could use a Slurpee or a soda and he said he could 2 and I said what are you treating and he said no you are…{{hes CRAZY}} …but he said he would and I said id prefer now it set hes going to treat me 2 lunch then after we are going to go and get Slurpees…I really like him.

id say just act like your playing but really be serious just 2 c how he respondz and then you shud knw where his mind is on how he feels about u!!

         ~*JaZZ*~ ((let me know how Things turned out))
Answer #2

Everyone has this problem and maybe he likes you too but the thing is if someone doesn’t take the initiative and make a move things may never end up the way you want it. Rejection is natural but if he rejects you than there is always someone else.

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