Show my love

Ok my girlfriend told me that I dont show how much I love her enough which is very weird because I tell her I love her I always take her out to eat I bought her a necklace for her birthday I dont know what else to do. Any help will be appreciated

Answer #1

Theres a couple of things you have to understand and I’m going to lay them out -

  1. Saying “I love you” is just three words until you give it a meaning. It doesn’t mean a thing just saying it, you need to show it to. Its all the little things that count.

  2. Money cant buy happiness - buying her things doesn’t necessarily mean you love her. Its very nice of you and obviously you do love her or else you wouldn’t be asking this, but again you need to show it.

Okay… so now that we have that established and we know the problem. Its time to fix that now, the simples things are going to help you with this, which is cool for you. Heres some steps to showing her you love her, trust me these things work… I’m a girl:

Step1 Compliment them on something that’s personally important to them. This could have something to do with work or a hobby. It helps if you’re saying something in public that builds them up. It also feels good to have something nice said behind your back make it’s way to you.

Step2 Take an interest in what they’re doing even if it’s not something you’d normally do. You may not be a sports fan or like the same type of movie, but go anyway just to spend time with them.

Step3 Listen. Really listen. It’s a simple act that’s very meaningful to a lot of people.

Step4 Surprise them with a gift. Not just on Valentine’s Day (hopefully not really a surprise) but on a typical day where it really would be unexpected. Pay attention to what a person finds interesting and base the gift on that.

Step5 Do something nice for them around the house so they can spend that time doing something they enjoy. The gift of time is a very good gift, especially for moms who have hectic schedules.

Step6 Hugs for no particular reason–they’re free and never get old.

Step7 Little notes or messages. I remember finding an “open me” word document on my laptop one day. Not remembering putting it on there myself, I found it said “I love you!” from my husband in the biggest font Microsoft Word could produce. You can leave Post-It notes on mirrors, dashes of cars, etc.

Step8 Taking the person to his or her favorite activity or restaurant.Again, you may or may not personally have the same tastes, but that’s what makes it an act of love. These are mainly just a starting point. Ideally, you want to pick out things that will be unexpected to the person as far as timing and still fit their personality.


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