My boyfriend is a sadistic jerk

My boyfriend is a asswhole and he makes me just go crazy and one of these times I might hurt him bad and I don’t want to leave him but he likes to make me mad and crazy I don’t know why I think it turns him on but I don’t know how much longer I can put up wit it all he cares bout is himself and what he wants and imidiate satisfaction and hes rude and disrespectful to me and well I just don’t know what to do…I feel like no one cares bout me…

Answer #1

There’s a few questions you need to be asking yourself here, and you need to be as honest with yourself as possible –

  1. Are you with him because you see yourself being with him 5, 10, 15 years from now or are you with him because it’s easier than being single?
  2. Are the good times with him better than the times he makes you feel bad?
  3. What about him attracted you to him in the first place? Was this bad-boy side a factor?
  4. If you had a magic wand, would you make his traits that you find mean and hurtful go away, or would you wave the relationship away and be with someone new?
Answer #2

he sounds like a great guy. not! lose him. there’s plenty of other fish in the sea.

Answer #3

There is obviously a reason he is being this way. Usually sadism is an end result of some sort of childhood or teenage years trauma. Talk to him about it. If it doesn’t improve then dump him.

Answer #4

thanx guys

  1. I see us together
  2. yes they remind me of why im wit him and why I love him
  3. I don’t know what attracted me to him I’ve known him since we were yaytall and ther was a period of time where we realy didnt talk for like 5 years because I moved to wyoming but like 3 months ago he moved here and well I don’t know how to explain it but you know some how I alwaz knew we would b 2gethr
  4. I wouldnt make his bad things go away completly but I would make them bettr

thanx guys sooo much you were a big help!!!

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