Love & Relationships Questions

  1. What should I get my girlfriend for Christmas :) ?
  2. A Boys PLAYA Line?? LOL
  3. why are some people so yuck
  4. Is it wrong to Love somebody?
  5. WHAT SHOULD I DO ABOUT MY boyfriend...
  6. booty call?!?
  7. girl troubles! realy need help!
  8. watt should I do?
  9. what is your favorite way to mastebate (girls only)
  10. should I still like him or let him go
  11. question for the guys
  12. how do you...
  13. how many ladys got bored of waiting?
  14. will this work to ask him out?
  15. do you thinks she jealous?
  16. Does he like me more than a friend?
  17. Why is wet better than using lubricant?
  18. I can't come
  19. How would a boy know he is going to cum?
  20. Fingering my girlfriend
  21. a little help here
  22. I realy want a girlfriend, and I want one fast, how can I get one?
  23. know any good dating sites
  24. why can't I just die?
  25. why does my boyfriend say this to me?
  26. grrr im stupidd
  27. Whos your hero
  28. Help with may girlfriend cuting her self
  29. what is your favorite way to mastebate (girls only)
  30. my bofriend.
  31. Confronting a best friend?
  32. Jealous of my perfect friend and need help!!
  33. What gets you guys horny
  34. Why does he bring up my best friend?
  35. She's awesome, but why does she treat me like this?
  36. How would you define friendship?
  37. Why do guys have to be so confusing?
  38. What should I ask??
  39. How can you tell
  40. Why is my penis not really hard
  41. What are some fun and creative kissing ideas?
  42. I dont know?
  43. why do you think he did that
  44. I need someone to care!!!
  45. Real chance of love survey thinggyyy .
  46. Relationship question please help.
  47. Should I ask my ex back out?
  48. I am addicted to porn what should do?
  49. Following my heart
  50. How do you make yourself happy?
  51. Good sites to learn more about the female body
  52. Why do you think
  53. Are you in love?
  54. Engaged...Rules?
  55. Stay with him or go out with my ex?
  56. Too scared to talk to my crush
  57. Guy
  58. Finish The Line...
  59. So theres this guy
  60. Which Sounds Better
  61. What should I do to help them?
  62. Do you think this as a Perfect BoyFriend?
  63. Skinny or curvy?
  64. We keep fighting
  65. What can i do in bed to arouse my boyfriend more?
  66. Has any body made a porn befor?
  67. Porno q?
  68. I think the boy I like is playing hard to get?! help!
  69. Help me make my girlfriend climax?
  70. Whats it like to be in love?
  71. Women pleasure
  72. What do guys like
  73. Boyfriend's crazy ex
  74. Give me some info
  75. Friend thinks shell be left out!
  76. Should I use this
  77. Don't know how to kiss
  78. What do you think about this?
  79. Boyfriend/friend
  80. Whats the Name of Your First Love?? <3
  81. Question about kama sutra
  82. Hanging with boys
  83. Why do I fell stupid?
  84. I want to move on from my crush
  85. Decent guys?
  86. Are there really good guys out there?
  87. Should I break up with him?
  88. What is wrong with me?
  89. Whats your number?
  90. He thinks I'm cheating and I'm not
  91. Dating sites
  92. Fingering yourself
  93. Who loves to Jack off
  94. He's sending mixed signals
  95. Is he using me to get my roommate?
  96. What is my girlfriend doing?
  97. What does he mean "Not Ready"?
  98. my crush's body lango is hard to figure out! please help!
  99. ex boyfriend / girlfriend's ?
  100. how far do I go up when fingerin myself???