What is my girlfriend doing?

She recently got out of a 2 1/2 relationship with her ex and came to me 3 weeks later seems kinda rebound to me but…I don’t know we went out for about a 4 weeks and then she said we need time apart to think about her feelings cause she still has feelings for her ex yet she says she loves me with all her heart. and wants to be with me is she just trying to find out why she is thinking about him to try to make are relationship better or she trying to break up easy with me? PLEASE help and how can I win her back? she says I have her heart yet we arent together??

Answer #1

her feelings for you are probably genuine , but a bit to soon after her last relationship, her emotions haven’t had a chance to settle yet. give her time and space ,when she’s ready it will all fall into place.

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