Should I break up with him?

Weve been together for 2years now he has everyr=thign I wanted in a guy til =l one day when he called me a sltu I let go 2nd time I let it go but 3td time came by and he was mre hurtful that ever he called me a $lut a wh0re and said horrible things bout when we first met I was all over him he told me now after 2years that I was easy and that guys look at me as a good time girl and other stuff now I dont know what to do if break up with him and never go back to it…god is so hard tho…thnx for your help…

Answer #1

Why would your boyfriend call you these names? That is so hurtful.. I don’t get what kind of a boyfriend would call their girlfriend these names. Details about your relationship isn’t clear so I have no idea, but I would break up with him and try to move on. I personally wouldn’t even let him back.

Answer #2

talk to him and ask him what made him say those things to you.

Answer #3

say later hater and leave only let him back if what he does is worth you and your worth a lot so think about that…and if he thought you was a wh)re he wouldnt have staid longer than three days

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