What should I do to help them?

I know a couple of my friends that has flashed a whole baseball team before. Like now they dont want to do it but its like when the baseball team asks them to and they say no they get mad at them. It sorta gets aggervating to them and they dont know what to do because they dont want everyone mad at them but they also dont want to flash anyone again. Please help me so I can help them

Answer #1

They need to have some pride in themselves. If they say no then they should stick with it. The only reason the baseball team gets mad at them is because they know that it will work.

Tell them to have some respect for themselves and to stick with their own choices. Tell them that being pressured into something is not a reason for doing it. Tell them that they are better than that and that the baseball team will get over it and if they don’t…who cares? At least your friends with still be able to respect themselves.

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