why are some people so yuck

why do sum people act all like they dont want to be bother or something
I say if you dont want to talk 2 me then dont
just a yuck attitude YUCK

Answer #1

You have made a wonderful observation.

There are a lot of people in the world. They all come from different backgrounds, so they all don’t think the same as each other. And, because of this, there just isn’t one single reason why some of them act in a “yuck” manner. There are actually many reasons why that happens.

Sometimes, the younger a person is, then the more self centered they are. And in cases like that, they are more concerned about their own interests than they are about yours. (This may “also” be very true of people who are very under educated, or simply very immature as well).

Sometimes people that you might like to communicate with simply don’t have enough education or experiences in life to add anything to a conversation with you and they just flat out don’t want to look stupid.

Sometimes people have learned prejudices as they were growing up and they often view people, or things, that are different than they are to be wrong in their eyes. Unfortunately for humanity, there is a lot of this going on all over the world today. (Hence the statement, “Bless the little children while they are still too young to hate”).

I suppose maybe a good attitude to develop for yourself is to understand that what you are experiencing are peoples “reactions to an action”… and, that how they act is not just because of you. It is a direct product of their own personality, not yours.

“Yuck” is simply a fact of life. We all have to live with it. So, search for some true friends as you go. And, as for the “Yucks” in life… just remember how it feels to others and be smart. Make a vow not to end up as another “Yuck” in life yourself.


Answer #2

Well if your getting that sense then why talk to them? They dont want to talk to you so then dont look desprete && talk to them

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