Are you in love?

What things made you fall in love with that person??

Whats the one thing that you hate about them??

comment it..

Answer #1

the way they made me feel special kindess :)

& nothing, just the part they dont feel the same nomre.

Answer #2

he listens to me, he makes me feels so important, he tells me everything, lol I can go on and on

that he smokes (but it wont stop me from luving him)

Answer #3

what made me fall in love was the way he kissed me held me stared at me and treated me

what I hate is that other people are telling me that he is telling them that we dont date

Answer #4

I fell in love with my boyfriend when we were just friends. I knew I could tell him anything and everything. he was always there for me no matter what it was. he still is.

I dont really “hate” this about him, but I dont like how he needs weed in his life.

Answer #5

My husband…we used to talk for hours about everything, I know everything about his life and him about mine, we don’t judge each other, we accept each other for who we are, I love spending time with him, he always makes me feel special, he tells me that I’m beautiful, he hugs me, he listens to me, he understands me, he knows me, he does little things for me like leaving me a note when he leaves for work, cleaning my car off when it snows, calling me just to say he loves me and misses me.

There’s nothing that I hate about him…there are some things that I don’t like but I don’t hate anything about him or anything that he does.

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