Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Best Friend And My Crush
  2. ust come straight out and say I like him?!
  3. dose it hurt
  4. is it better to be hot/cute
  5. what should he do??!?
  6. Why when she is around?
  7. forget the lover
  9. Confusion and pressure
  10. How to spark up a realtionship thats falling apart?
  11. How do you tell someone that distance doesnt matter?
  12. what is the difference between a broken hymen and a non broken one?
  13. dont know what to do, please read and comment
  14. DO they hate me?
  15. guy question
  16. Should I tell my boyfriend???
  17. What can we talk about?
  18. should I be worried about my boyfriend?
  19. why is he doing this what should I do??
  20. what should I eat to make my natural juices taste better?
  21. Why does my husband get mad at me for looking at his phone???
  22. Falling For My Best Friend
  23. How do I STOP Bullies??!!!
  24. can this be my departed husband
  25. He Fingered Me Then Told Me He Had A girlfriend Whats Next For us!!
  26. Whooo??
  27. How can I feel strong and happy
  28. Who should I come out to?
  29. My friend has become addicted to self harm
  30. does he like her??hs
  31. People Judge Me Too Quickly
  32. how to kiss a guy?
  33. Do I tell him I love him
  34. Girl dumps Boy
  35. Iam a married and having affair
  36. What should I do about my ex girlfriend?
  37. seriously I dontknow
  38. Is my boyfriend obsessive?
  39. Why do I feel this way?
  40. Why do men want everything their way?
  41. plainly for guys
  42. Whats cute nicknames
  43. I gave him head.
  44. What do I do about my ex boyfriend
  45. Best friend dating my crush.
  46. Help me with celeste please!!!
  47. My girlfriend/fingering
  48. What do guys really care about
  49. Is it intentional?
  50. How do I ask out my friends brother?
  51. Porno confessions and crisis'
  52. I love him but I dont think he loves me back
  53. I was or was not rejected???pleas help me
  54. Whats my problem?
  55. Do I tell him I love him
  56. I cant get over him
  57. my bestfriend
  58. How to turn a guy on over the phone
  59. When do boys start cuming?
  60. .can we say she is lovind me ?.
  61. Please help about the girl behaviour
  62. How Do you make a Shy Guy horny?
  63. Ladies Only!!! I'm sooo horny! and I don't know why. haha
  64. what makes a good kisser
  65. Where could we go??
  66. Need a girlfriend
  67. Is it normal to have to pee after you've been fingered?
  68. When will things move faster?
  69. abused coworker
  70. girlfriend problems
  71. Problems with my marriage
  72. looking for YOU
  73. I dont know what I should do..
  74. Still missing him
  75. Love?
  76. Lovestorybby help
  77. I am having an issue with my boyfriend
  78. I think I love him
  79. everyones thinks im frigid but I've not got a boyfriend
  80. My friend jordan, has too deal with a pretty sucky life
  81. I have only ever had one proper relationship! is that a bad thing?
  82. Why are guys such doosh-bagz?
  83. werid liking someone that isn't him what should I do?
  84. Please help im 15 boyfriend 20
  85. Moving in together
  86. dump my boyfriend
  87. I've asked this question before and now I'm asking again...
  88. Who's the hottest guy in the world and why?
  89. Boyfriend in juvie getting my letters?
  90. how can get him back?
  91. I love you more?
  92. online harrassment
  93. Advice to cope...
  94. Black girls...
  95. My ex boyfriend going out with my bff's sister to make me jealous??
  96. My friends ewwest boyfriend
  97. How do I get him to change his mind?
  98. Help majorr
  99. does this look like a dudes erection?
  100. I messed up how do I make up?