I cant get over him

heya ever1 so my ex boyfriend broke up with me 6 months ago and im still in love with him does anyone no how I would get over him? and also theirs is this big rally happened saturday night and I really want to go but he will be their with his new girlfriend and I dont no will I go now should I go ? please answer im really confussed:(“

Answer #1

forgetting someone you love is like remembering someone you never met… but…you don’t have to forget him …just try to think about something else you know? and you know what ?? never waist a second of your precious time thinking of someone who doesn’t care about you…no really…think about it… I really know how does it feel to see you loved ones in love with someone else… JUST TRY TO THINK OF SOMETHING ELSE…try…just try to move on..I know it’s not easy as it seems…but you won’t loose anything if you tried :) who knows what will happen :):) and one more thing…always put in your mind that there’s no guy worth your tears (no offece guys hehe ) trust me…you’ll meet ut prince charimng one day..who will give everything you ever want it :D:D

Answer #2

It’s hard to get over someone when you are still in love with them, and people saying Oh he wasn’t right for you, he was a waste of time, doesn’t help. If you really truly loved him, then you may never actually get over him, If he made you feel that special and meant so much to you, then he will always be a part of your life. People don’t get it, when you lose someone that means so much to you be it a partner breaking up with you or a loved one dying, you don’t just get over them, you have to learn to live without them. In regards to this Rally, if you go seeing him with his new girlfriend will most likely hurt, so you can go and just ignore them and have a good time, or go and see them and fly off the handle and do something you regret. I guess you need to ask yourself which way you think you’ll handle seeing them together and make your decision to go or stay home based on that.

As the old saying goes “Time heals all wounds”, it’s just some wounds take more time than others…

Answer #3

try occupying your time so you dont think about him with things like hobbies, hanging out with friends, ect also try to think that anyone who doesnt want to be with you doesnt deserve you you will one day find someone whos right for you it wasnt that guy but you never know, it might be the next guy you meet try not to think about that guy and focus your thoughts towards other people like yourself, friends, famaily, another boy, ect if you want you can go to that rally but if your just going to stare at him and his new girlfriend the whole time there isnt a point going with some friends might help you forget about him (especially if your having a fun time) or you could spend the time doing something else like maybe pamper yourself for the whole day

Answer #4

I had the exact same problem. moving on felt wrong. it felt like I was cheating on him. go to my profile and read some of the questions I asked and some of the answers I got. im sure they will help you out. they helped me

Answer #5

Just always remember that’s theres a reason why your ex is yr ex., soo whenever your thinking of him or depressed about him just remeber that. He’s a waste of time and a waste of your life soo go do something with some friends, hang out, party do whatever but don’t let thoughts of him cross yer mind because yer only torturing yerself. hope I helped good luck :]

Answer #6

just get over with him, try to plan a new start for you. there’s a rally? that just means you’re not meant for each other! forget all about him

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