
What should I do if my boyfriend wont text me back? But I love him so much I just want him to wise up!!?

Answer #1

hmmm… I wouldn’t say that he is not interested in you. He is probably just tired and busy—

If he constantly does that though, maybe you should do the same thing to him 0_0 haha J/K [That would probably turn out worse maybe] but have a talk with him and sort things out! Everything will turn out aye okay! :]] My boyfriend does it to me sometimes but it’s mostly ‘cause he has nothing to say. If he didn’t want to talk he would’ve told me. Sooo… we’re kinda in a similar situation. And my boyfriend loves me a lot so yeah… < 3

Answer #2

Wise up? Hes a teenager, not an adult whos ready to settle down with one girl yet. If isnt texting you back, maybe he isnt all that interested…

Answer #3

talk to him about why you split, most guys just want the eye on them

Answer #4

He Might Have No Creditt Cheer Upp :)

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