Love & Relationships Questions

  1. What's the normal age for porn?
  2. Does that mean that you shouldnt like him anymore?
  3. Should I tell my husband about his friend?
  4. How do I get up courage to ask out a boy I like?
  5. My once good friend
  6. Would it be dangerous to put my entire finger up my vagina?
  7. How do you really get to the annoying boys in your class?
  8. When a guy sucks on your breast
  9. How can I approach a girl I like
  10. Help my marriage
  11. How can I ask this girl I love out, if I'm a girl?
  12. Different school? [Edit}
  13. Different school?
  14. What he doesn't like...
  15. I don't know whatt to do!!
  16. I think I have ruined what I had with my ex by breaking up with him
  17. Boyfriend comments other girls pictures?
  18. what is real love?
  19. I need help <3?
  20. how do I tell my mum I think im depressed when were not talking ?
  21. Birthday Present For Her?
  22. ok so this boy again
  23. 3 inches when non-erect
  24. Ez boyfriend
  25. what to do when recieving hickey
  26. Break up? Make up?
  28. how do I stop crying?
  29. love?
  30. I was dumped, but still feeling hurt
  31. Is this just coincidence?
  32. How can I find out how he feels?
  33. What does it feel like to get eaten out?
  34. should I go with him or not?
  35. what can a female do to make her cum sweeter?
  36. is it selfish of me to not want him to go to the marines?
  37. Dating a Marine, but needs some advice!!!
  38. stick it out or end it?
  39. What can I use to pleasure myself?
  40. Friend 911!!! PLEASE HELP
  41. Why do I keep dreaming about my ex?
  42. Why isn't my cum warm?
  43. what does sprung and whipped mean?
  44. Where should I sit? ANSWER ASAP!
  45. How can I take my mind off this?
  46. Is it weird or normal to have a feet fetish?
  47. Am I wrong to be bent and feeling this way?
  48. how can you go from love to hate in less than a second?
  49. please help boyfriend probs
  50. favorite trojan condom?
  51. SO CONFUSED...
  52. What's more attractive?
  53. Coming back gift???
  54. what is it??
  55. Would you go for the flirty guy or the sweet guy?
  56. I'm afraid to lose him over my best friend, help?
  57. theres this guy
  58. y are MEN SUCH DOGS
  59. does she actuly like me or what?
  60. what did I do to deserve this?
  61. why do some girls hurt guys so badly?
  62. bump on crotch
  63. dateing older people
  64. is he into me ?
  65. Should I invite him to my birthday?
  66. Is this size normal for my age?
  67. . How do you perfer to sleep?
  68. Do you ladies prefer large or average?
  69. How can I make this year better?
  70. Big boobs
  71. I still love him...
  72. What is the smallest vibrator, I want one that fill fit my pussy?
  73. anybody know?
  74. How do you end a bad friendship?
  75. I'm confuesd!!!
  76. I love someone...
  77. Free-verse.. what you think?
  78. what you think I should do?
  80. my boyfriend gets hard all the time why?
  81. love and life
  82. Partaaay!
  83. I need advice for a friend
  84. Is Bondage/ S&m Dangerous?.
  85. Should I stay single ?
  86. Does he still like me or is he using me?
  87. I need help
  88. What Should I Do to Him?
  89. how to make a guy fall in love?
  90. I did somethin stupid!
  91. why do guys...
  92. please help!!!
  93. Let love in or let love go?
  94. girl cums
  95. self respect or luv??
  96. my boyfriend suspects me!
  97. why do people hurt you deep inside till it hurts your soal?
  98. I finally told him
  99. my future
  100. Is skinny the new peanut butter and jeellly?