I finally told him

I’ve been on cam with guys, taking naked pics for guys and etc I got into a really good relationship. I love him and he didnt know that I did all tihs other stuff for guys. we’ve been together for 4 months and I finally told him last week and I broke up with him. but im so hurt and hes like not like depressed or anything, he acutally already found a new girlfriend.he wants to be friends still. I just wish I had him back. I cant get over him. I just want to know if he ever had feelings for me since he moved on so fast and how can I let go of him?

Answer #1

How could he have feelings for someone who clearly has no respect for herself? You obviously need attention and will do whatever it takes. I suggest working on your self esteem, because you have issues. Your ONLY 14, WHERE ARE YOUR PARENTS when you are getting nude for a bunch of hornballs? I really think you need to be monitored, because you are going to get yourself into something you wont be able to get out of! What you are doing is ILLEGAL!

Answer #2

Sorry you may not want to hear this but yes it sounds like he didnt have any feelings for you at all… just think if you really cared for him you wouldnt of broke up with him like you did… more than likely your hurt now cause your jealous cause he has a new girlfriend… try and find yourself a new guy… might make you feel better bout it all…

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