what did I do to deserve this?

is there really a god how come if theres really one why arent we all equal he gives so much to others and so liittleto others I thought we were all equal andstuff like that and how come when we ask for something with all our hearts we never get it why??its just im having my doubts =/ and im tired of living this life its just ugh =/ what did I do to deserve this?I alwaysgotta fake smiles and everything but deepdown its so empty

Answer #1

Religions have their own theory. I don’t know all of the religions; but take an example, hinduism and bhudism, they believe in karma; They believe that what you did in previous lifeimes comes back.in this life, and that you’re born into favourable situations if you did good deeds. They also say that most people have a mixture of good and bad karmas. So it is not god that is unfair and paunishing us but , we’re responsible for our own actions— through karma(laws and effect). The laws of the universe, to put it another way.

I am not trying to preach.but I have read a lot into this and how it works and I tend to believe in this.

I say, don’t be disheartened, be positive. don’t hurt anyone and just do your best. Take care and good luck.

Answer #2

im an aethist so I cant answer that srry

Answer #3

I dont think hes reall because there is no prof hes real no1 has seen him and pluss if he was. wouldnt the world b better

Answer #4

the answers to your question can lead to very complex concepts.

some people have less so they can grow/mature more.

which “religion” are you referring too?

Answer #5


Answer #6

im athiest sooo but dont like change your religion because of this site. believe in what you want to believe, not what we say

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