How can I find out how he feels?

okay so the guy I love, the guy that like all my questions on here have been about finaly broke up with you know who last night.. you would have to read my (im in love with my sisters boy friend) question I posted.. and pleas do because I know it sounds bad right now but you dont have the full story.. well anyways last night they got in a fight and broke up and I ran after him to get him to go back to her (agin) and when I caught up to him he said “why do you even care” and I said “I dont.. but she does” and he said “I can tell you dont like me with her” and I said “well why would I youv gota know how I feel about you by now” and he looked at me and took my hand and said “your nothing like your sister” and he kept my hand in his and I said “is that a good thing?” and he smiled at me and then said “im starting to think so” ,,, and then we heard my sister get up and I left the room… well they ended up getting back together and stuff and hes just been acting like it never happened. and I dont know what to do. I cant just straight out ask him how he feels cus im way to nervous around him, trust me I’ve tried. and if this is my chance I dont want to miss it… what do I do?

and again dont judge until you have the whole story cus im not just a back stabbing wench whos out for my sisters boy friend.. ask if you wanna know more but pleas help!

Answer #1

Just like I said,he is finally realizing who is actually in love with who.But,I see he still does have feelings for your sister.If you dont want to let go,keep trying.I know its difficult to do so much work to get a guy.Everybody does it.Yet you love him and he kills you slowly.He is maybe experimenting with you,trying to see how far he can get so he can see your reactions.If he acts like nothing happened,then you do it.Act like you have never liked him in the first place.He will see how you are,and will try harder.He is trying to get to you.Not that he is a badguy,he is testing you of how much you really love him.He is maybe having doubts about your sister and this negative relationship is finally getting to his head.He knows how you and your sister differ,and he sees you are better for him.He sees you as a second shoulder to cry on,and once he wins your sympathy,he is back to normal.He knows he can get away with murder with you,you see him as innocent and he knows that.So,its hard to say that he is using you.I know how you feel cause im doing that right now.Its hard to know that he isnt in love with you,but,Once he Thinks that you arent,he will come to you.

Answer #2

yea it really does seem like he still has feelings for you. and that he does like you more than your sister. my only question is why the hell did he go back to your sister!?! I mean fare enough you and him cuouldn’t have started dating straight after the break up but what is this bloke doing?!

I think you should keep hanging around him. have fun (try to be as happy as possible when you with him.) he’ll see how much fun he has with you and it’s also likely to make your sister a little mad at him (so be prepared). then the next time they have a blue. go running for him, but not for your sisters sake. for yours.

Answer #3

hey I agree with sweetymeaty… I get really now get what your going thru and it f.u.k.n suxs sooo bad… but hang in there hel be yours soon!!!

Answer #4

well they ended up getting back together and stuff and hes just been acting like it never happened

im like her top friend so if he added her then he chose not to add me

^^Its obvious that its YOUR sister he wants and likes, not you. Because if he actually liked you, he would want to be with you, but thats just not happening.

Answer #5

I don’t know… theyv only been dating for like 2 weeks and I didnt even know they hung out when I found out they were dating.. I guess she was talkin to him on myspace are somethin.

Answer #6

actually it did. probably the best answer I’ve ever had.. thanx.

Answer #7

Sorry if it didnt make any…

Answer #8

yeah it sounds like he chose your sister hun, he isnt worth it.

Answer #9

thats what I thought = [ but im like her top friend so if he added her then he chose not to add me.. I dont get him!

Answer #10

he shoulda been trying to find you ya know?

Answer #11

why did he start dating your sister to begin with???

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