Politics & Law Questions

  1. Is stripping a legal job in the United States?
  2. What is the muslim religion Like why do people like Osama Bin Laden believe it s okay to kill?
  3. Why are people against socialism?
  4. Why don't they make alcohol illegal if it causes so many deaths/injuries?
  5. Are they legalizing marijuana?
  6. Is Puerto Rico now a state of America?
  7. When do we find out who will win the election?
  8. Who is going to vote tomorrow?
  9. Why did Mussolini introduce the Race Laws in 1938?
  10. When are they going to declare who will be the president and what time?
  11. Why did the mayor cancel the New York marathon when he could have just postponed it for next week?
  12. Do you believe that crazy story that the government made the storm with HAARP?
  13. What do they mean when they say it's a socialist country?
  14. Can candidates in an election vote for themselves?
  15. What do you think about the comment that a republican made that a rape was planned out by God?
  16. What are the laws on stripping in Illinois?
  17. What would happen if the elections are tied?
  18. When did England start colonizing the world?
  19. Do you think Obama will accept the offer from Donald Trump or not?
  20. What happened with the Casey and Caylee Anthony case in the end?
  21. What is the occupation name of the person that questions suspects, victims, and witnesses?
  22. Are you guys voting for senators or leaving it blank?
  23. What is a district?
  24. What is a state senator; is it the same as state representative?
  25. What's the legal age to start smoking?
  26. Why do you think Romney should be our future president?
  27. Is it true that all businessmen in the United States are republicans or is that an urban legend?
  28. What do you think about the Amanda Todd story?
  29. Who won the debate yesterday?
  30. Should there be a President's question time?
  31. What are your views on the Political Debate?
  32. Do you think the Canadian government would have a conscription (draft) if presented with the chance of war?
  33. If you were in war would you be ready to kιll the enemies?
  34. How were traditional trade patterns of Africa altered after 1500?
  35. Why do we celebrate Columbus Day in United States?
  36. Why do people not like Mitt Romney, either?
  37. Is using the term "mafia" around an Italian community considered an insult?
  38. Are you guys voting for Obama or Romney?
  39. What is the whole point of nuclear weapons?
  40. Is John F Kennedy considered a civil rights hero/leader?
  41. Who knows about the Clash of Civilizations?
  42. What is the place called where you go to apply for a visa, citizenship, etc.; is it immigration?
  43. Do rednecks hate black people?
  44. What are "people of color" and are they considered non-white minorities and skin tone?
  45. Where can I find information on environmental laws in Canada vs. other countries?
  46. What do you think of that video of Romney talking about the 47%?
  47. What opposition did Germany face after WW1?
  48. Why can't companies test on death row inmates instead of animals?
  49. Should an inmate's execution be delayed because they are too fat?
  50. Can a woman breastfeed her baby in public or not?
  51. Are Muslims in the USA as furious and wanting to kíll Americans because of a YouTube video as compared to the countries they come from?
  52. Is it true that JoJo likes black men as well, and who do you think JoJo will vote for - Obama or Romney?
  53. Which countries does Canada do environmental protection business with?
  54. Who impacted the world more - Genghis Khan or Queen Victoria?
  55. When should an American citizen render a civil service?
  56. Why does the government accept defensive war?
  57. Did Obama forget to talk about Obamacare and the microchip for people in the democratic convention?
  58. How would you comment on someone's testimony?
  59. Is there a "Do not send political crap to me via email" list that I can get on?
  60. Do you think the media is in favor of one party's side?
  61. Why is it that the legal age to drink is 21 but you can serve your country at age 18?
  62. Can anyone give me 12 differences between a Monarchy and a Democracy?
  63. Why did a Palestinian shoot dead 13 and wound 30 Americans at the military base in Texas?
  64. Can you vote by mail or do you have to go to city hall?
  65. Which actor would you like to run for president?
  66. How do you interpret internationalism?
  67. What's meant by "Civilian Government"?
  68. Do you think the economy will improve in the United States?
  69. Why is the rate of urbanization higher in developing countries?
  70. Why do you have to have the license plate of the state you live in?
  71. Do you feel people are being too hard on Todd Akins?
  72. Do you believe that it is unfair that the republican party is trying not to give the women a choice to abort in the case of incest or rape?
  73. What is the cheapest, most efficient, and effective legal way to create a will?
  74. What is currently going on with Israel and Syria?
  75. What's your opinion on mercy killing?
  76. How stupid do you have to be, to be a politician?
  77. Would buying or renting out a warehouse and building within it and then charging people to use what's in it illegal or legal?
  78. What a hypocrite law to ban gun toys?
  79. How long do you think until China takes over America?
  80. When was the beginning of the end of the British Empire?
  81. Can Obama pass a law for 2013 even if he hasn't won the election yet?
  82. What site can I go to to get real information on politicians?
  83. Do you think that United States is a very sensitive country or not?
  84. Why is the government allowing more fast food restaurants to be built?
  85. What's your opinion about child soldiers?
  86. What are some of the stupidest laws on the books, in your State or area?
  87. What do you think of J. Edgar Hoover; was he a good or a bad guy?
  88. What is the difference between legal pot and illegal pot?
  89. Do you think people should be arrested for killing a murderer?
  90. What do you think about the remarks Mitt Romney made in London and Israel?
  91. Why are the Colorado shootings such a big deal?
  92. do you think this real life character was good or bad?
  93. What is a Municipal Court?
  94. What are your thoughts on the statue being removed at Penn State?
  95. Are there any special rules bars have to follow for having a bartender that's under 21 in New Hampshire?
  96. Is anyone else tired of politics?
  97. What is the legal age to smoke cigarettes in New Jersey?
  98. Why is it illegal to get a tattoo if you're under 18?
  99. Do you ever pass the bus, crossing over a double line?
  100. Do you believe that FOX news is twisting words around and not giving people the facts?
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