Who impacted the world more - Genghis Khan or Queen Victoria?

Just wondering.

Answer #1

That’s a good one. See I am inclined to say Queen Victoria, as I know more about her than I do Genghis Khan (Plus I am English :P). However it would be foolish not to acknowledge the fact that Queen Victoria was (first and foremost) a monarch; a figment or flagship character to represent the Industrial Revolution and the absolute peak for the British Empire that followed. So many leaps were made in the socio/economic and technological fields, but it was pretty much entirely down to the inventors and breakthrough individuals that were driven during this time. Queen Victoria’s reign was the longest (I think) in History, but she reigned during an era of great people, who did great things. If you took away the masses of workers and countrymen that made the British Empire what it was you would really just have a Queen.

So I suppose if you want to be really pedantic you could argue that Genghis impacted the world more, with his nomadic activity throughout Asia. He forged and led his war-machine or ‘horde’ that would subsequently create the biggest empire at that time - The Mongol Empire. But Khan was a blood-thirsty barbarian in many respects, his campaigns across (what is now) China and Central Asia claimed countless lives.

So, to conclude this overly complicated answer, Queen Victoria impacted the world as a representation of the Great British Period, a time of great advances in ‘civilized’ society and infrastructure. But Genghis Khan directly impacted the world as a successful leader of men, a founder of empires (regardless of how brutal his approach was)

Take your pick I suppose, it’s all down to what kind of ‘impact’ you mean.

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