Politics & Law Questions

  1. What is an interegnum?
  2. How would you write a introduction about North Korea and South Korea argumentative essay?
  3. Who knows a lot about the economic and political situations in the country Luxembourg in Europe?
  4. Why did the US government sponsor two Oregon state sentators to visiti Maldives?
  5. Do you think that the goverment should make laws for our own personal safety?
  6. what are some reasons that North Korea and South korea should become one?
  7. What do you think of TSA?
  8. what is a good site that I could go to, for reasons why north and south korea should become one?
  9. Do you think military disabled Vets should be allowed to use toll roads at no charge?
  10. How did the era of kings and queens come to an end and become political?
  11. Who shot down the Red Baron in World War One?
  12. How can there actually be Holocaust deniers??
  13. What do you think of Alex Jones and a lot of his views?
  14. Why Do I Have A Warrent?
  15. is making alcohol popcicles legal?
  16. How old was George Washinon when he started smoking pot?
  17. Who is the only president who never stepped foot in the White House?
  18. What are the responsibilities of a member in parliament, a senator, and a premier???
  19. Do you think if Utopia where individualized, this would lead to the world as a whole being generally at peace?
  20. when they say "my dad is stationed in Afghanistan, does it mean n war?
  21. Do you think the loss of Democratic chairs in Congress is good or bad?
  22. What are some credible sources that I can get news from?
  23. What was the years after the Civil War known as?
  24. What was the first Southern state to leave the union?
  25. What does popular government mean?
  26. What entices you to vote for someone during an election?
  27. Who exactly is our national debt owed to?
  28. Who is the only president that had America debt free?
  29. What do you think of wikileaks?
  30. when did this happen japan defeats china?
  31. Who is going to be running in the next presidential campaign?
  32. Why does the U.S. spend so much on the defense budget?
  33. Who thinks Donald Trump can fix America if he were president?
  34. What is public opinion of the US around the world?
  35. How much damage do you think Wikileaks is going to cause to the United States government, with the secret US Embassy Cables?
  36. Is it illegal to fire a gun?
  37. What do you think are reasonable punishments for people who commit environmental crimes?
  38. What was the Union and the Confederacy's view on states' rights?
  39. Who played major roles in the French Revolution?
  40. is the u.s getting involved in the war between south and north korea?
  41. do you think george bush and his administration should be jailed for war crimes?
  42. What do you guys think about the North Korea attack to South Korea?
  43. How do you guys feel about polls?
  44. Would raising the age for Social Security be beneficial for the program?
  45. If a police officer is not on duty, but sees somebody doing something illegal, what happens?
  46. What is the USA doing about the situation in North and South Korea?
  47. What were the confederates' view on the blacks/slaves?
  48. What is the most culturally diversified country in the world?
  49. should they put prop 66 on the ballot again?
  50. Would Social Security become obsolete in upcoming years?
  51. who wins if there is a war between usa and russia???
  52. How come this guy spams my Youtube account with hate speech?
  53. why... is fighting terrorism and preventing terrorism the same thing?
  54. what do you think of Donald trump running for president?
  55. What starts war?
  56. What is your opinion about a 9 year old being hancuffed and being reported back to her country?
  57. Do you guys believe the trail of smoke in California was caused by a jet or aircraft?
  58. What are your thoughts on whether society will get worse over the years or stay the way it is now ?
  59. What happened at Pearl Harbour when the japanese are attacking it during WWII?
  60. What are the penalties to illegal dismissal?
  61. How do you think are certain groups of society given the dominant role?
  62. How were african americans treated when they were brought to the united states & what kind of jobs did they get?
  63. What do people think of how Barack Obama has acted, as the president of the United States?
  64. How come we are not allowed to have lemonade stands any more?
  65. Can somebody get a visa to come to usa if he has cancer or not?
  66. Which is more democratic: Old BC Rome or USA today?
  67. What would happen if voting was mandatory in the US?
  68. What's your opinion on the Tea Party?
  69. Do you think it's fair to increase the university fees in the UK to £9000 a year?
  70. Would it be worrisome that the largest increasing age group is now 65 and up in the United States?
  71. how much land does a state senator cover?
  72. What are your feelings on the Islam extremist group that burned a giant poppy today, Rememberence Day?
  73. Why isn't South America called America?
  74. could someone list me some social and economic impacts with appropriate examples?
  75. What is the best way to settle a fight after it has occured?
  76. What happens now that most of the senate is republican?
  77. Does a Soldier have to enroll his wife in deers or is it just optional?
  78. What are reasons for believing in Capital Punishment, and reasons for not?
  79. who knows if pot will be legalized in Houston?
  80. What is the history behind guy fawkes day?
  81. Do you agree with Jammie Thomas-Rasset, a single mother of four, having to pay Capitol Records 1.5 million dollars for downloading 24 songs in 2006 on Kazaa?
  82. Are there any other countries that have freedom of religion and/or speech besides the US?
  83. What happens when a country goes bankrupt?
  84. Why they came up with that name the tea party?
  85. Who thinks prop 19 is going to pass?
  86. Did you vote today?
  87. What is the U.S. doing to Afghanistan?
  88. How come people can go to war at 18, but cant drink until 21?
  89. How exactly does Maegan's law work?
  90. What does energy security mean?
  91. What do people mean when they say "911 is an inside job?"
  92. What are some things in society that do not make any sense?
  93. do you think there will ever be a day when there is no such thing as "race" ?
  94. Do you know when there legalizing pot in california?
  95. Why wont the President of United States let all Mexicans jump over to U.S and let all of us live happily ever after?
  96. do you think that proposition 19 will pass in california?
  97. Why do people frown on the freedom of speech and individuality??
  98. Where can I register to vote?
  99. What do you guys think about Russia and russians?
  100. How is remittance related to a country's economy?
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