What starts war?

Why does it even happen?!

Answer #1

There’s no shortage of reasons why wars start. They start because of territorial disputes, competition over resources, to boost the national economy, the desire to overthrow governments, to convert another group of people to a particular religion, to defend a country’s honour, to unify and/or distract a country’s population, or simply because it is the will of a leader. Look at the First World War…that is an example of a war that had many, many causes which historians are still sorting out.

Answer #2

yes but the wars that go on now…because of religon.? am i makeing sense?

Answer #3

It’s not any one particular factor, that’s my point. Wars happen for many reasons, even today. There was a major war in Africa a few years ago that happened for several reasons, including the desire of some to remove the Congolese government, arguments over land, and outright ethnic hatred. Some say the “war on terr0rism” is a war between religions, but I rather think for al Qaeda, it is a war to sway Muslim public opinion and for the United States it is a war to encourage political and economic involvement in Southwest Asia.

Answer #4

Religion, disagreements, short tempers, wanting something from a country but not getting it. and over all, stupidity.

Answer #5

wen one country has something the other one wants

Answer #6

lots of reasons, but in very recent times its been natural resorces like OIL. The world is running out, and to maintain the western standed of living we need the oil.

Answer #7

Greed starts wars!!!

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