Health Questions

  1. iim ment to be on my period and all their is is dark brown blood
  2. Mouth ulcers :'(
  3. Back surgery.
  4. How many exstasy pills puts a hole in your brain?
  5. salt and heart problems
  6. Best herb & Vitamin for nerve damage & broken blood vessels ?
  7. weed or alcohol?
  8. Exercising with yoga
  9. Tampon won't go in!!
  10. do you think I stoped growing?
  11. I have Keratosis pilaris
  12. Nausea and pains after eating ???!!!
  13. how to do the splits?
  14. breast pain after period
  15. how many people are affected by OCPD
  16. implantion bleeding or pregnant?
  17. The Dynacologist
  18. arthiritis
  19. would my stomach hurt if im pegnant?
  20. Whats the best way 2 give up smoking cannabis??
  21. white spot from fungus
  22. J : what else could it be?
  23. Could you conceive, but not miss a period?
  24. have been late on my period for months. Then this month I didn't
  25. Swelling in the face?
  26. I think I have a yeast infection. HELP!!
  27. passing a ua test in 12 hours
  28. wuts wrong with my tongue?
  29. what's wrong with my tongue?
  30. pregnancy insomnia
  31. Pain below left breast
  32. period? 0.o
  33. Another question about my period and I might be pergo
  34. How many chambers is the heart divided into?
  35. can I stop my mentrual cycle
  36. If your pregnant...
  37. Is this was happened when you had your first period?
  38. wats wrong with my boobs?
  39. I have a bump on my vigina and it itches...Is that normal
  40. tampon lost
  41. how can I tell if my tampon got stuck up in me
  42. Need Some Help on My Face
  43. Do I have a depression dissorder?
  44. Is this noraml having swelling for your 7day
  45. My periods are weird sometimes
  46. Blood +& Period
  47. Does birthcontrol make your pee smell bad?
  48. Does marijuana show up on prenatal tests?
  49. Whats the best way to get pregnant ?
  50. Back and head ?
  51. Why am I so sleepy all the time?
  52. My friend lost her baby...
  53. Pain in the foot.
  54. My young sister
  55. I was always wounder !!!
  56. I have a smell and a thicker discarge with a slight greenish color
  57. I took a pregnancy test today that I've had for about three months.
  58. Donation of blood even when THC is in the system??
  59. Can you get Pregnant if I've been on BirthControl for almost 2week
  60. Please answer asap...over the counter meds...
  61. hurt nipples
  62. is it normal for yellowish or greenish stuff to come
  63. 40 pieces of candy too much?
  64. Spots on nipple
  65. How to pass a piss test Fast?
  66. I have the flu HELP !
  67. one larger breast, normal?
  68. compulsive personality disorder or OCD
  69. Can you re-infect yourself with Chlamydia by using an old applicator?
  70. Compulsive personality disorder
  71. Loestrin 24
  72. Have you ever cried bc you was happy?
  73. Can a doctor tell if you smoked before a surgery
  74. Swollen ankle possible blood clot?
  75. If i get butt fucked will i get pregnant?
  76. I mite be pregnant because I missed
  77. What does being pregnant feel like ?
  78. I cant breathe
  79. Im 7 days behind on my period can I be pregnant or is that normal
  80. Can wearing sunglass's all the time harm your eyes??
  81. Contractions
  82. Why am I producing milk ?
  83. If the blood test says I am not pregnant
  84. Strange neck issues.
  85. do you think this is a sign of a mental illness?
  86. Websites for statistics about smoking vs. non-smoking.?
  87. HPT -ve?
  88. how to cope with depression
  89. h1n1 how to make sure I don't get it
  90. Do you have to have your period before you can get pregnat
  91. How can I be sure I have dementia?
  92. Will this little bit of ink do me harm up there?
  93. How long until my first period now?
  94. What is the average age for a girl to get her period?
  95. My period is not here whats going on?
  96. How can I make my period start faster?
  97. How can you fart loud?
  98. I think I have started my period but there is a lot of blood?
  99. Can you get pregnant after tubaligation
  100. Black and milds ??