If your pregnant...

And have someone step on yr backk.. Could that kill the baby or harm it or something. Like if you don’t know yr pregnant just yet?

Answer #1

lol. aha. that’s funny(: and thanksss(:

Answer #2

If you’re only a few weeks along, it’s unlikely that the fetus is in any danger.

Answer #3

My mom fell on her stomach when she was pregnant with me, and I turned out fine :) Tho some would argue against that haha.

Answer #4

You would be fine because there is so much padding around the fetus because it is so small, it is surrounded by organs and fat. The most danger to a baby is after it is bigger and there is a smaller cushion around the baby, a fall could cause serious damage at that point. Of course any rough housing or overly violent activities could cause a miscarriage, pregnancy is delicate. I had a friend in collage who miss carried because some guys were messing around with her and tickling her and grabbing at her a lot. (she was only 2 or 3 months along)

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