The Dynacologist

I got a Dynacologist appt 2mrw at 1:30, earlier I just started my period. My mom called to reschedual but they said I could still come in. I’ve never been to the dynacologist, so what are they going to do since I’m on “it”???

Answer #1

so she’s have to look inside me, what do I do with my tampon ew ahh I’m nervous because thats gross

Answer #2

yes I know I mispelt it

Answer #3

thanks you a lot guys yeah I needa still go to my appt.

Answer #4

Dynacologist? Never heard of it, do they have to do with delivering dinosaurs?


Just kidding, but I think you mean “gynecologist”. It won’t be too bad. She’ll just look at it for any obvious problems (sores, abnormal discharge, lumps, etc.) Then she will look inside of you , but will use lubricant first so it’s as comfortable as possible. sh’e will also do a breast exam to check for lumps.

I’l lbe honest, it’s not FUN but it’s not horrible either. And she probably sees plenty of patients who are on their period, so just try to remember you’re not the only one who’s been on “it” at the gyno!

Good luck! It’ll be over before you know it!

Answer #5

She will probably have you take the tampon out when she does the internal exam, so just bring an extra to replace it when she’s done. It’ll be fine.

Answer #6

If you’r sexually active too she will do whats called a pap smear which is when she puts a spectulum in you its a metal device used to hold you openand use long cotton swabs to collect samples from in you. sounds a lot worse than it is but just relax its over in about a minute. then she will have to stick her gloved fingers in you to make sure it all feels okay. its awkward the first time but it’ll be fine I just had mine the other day. And if you are not comfortable saying things infront of yourmom you should have her not come in w/ you bc they ask some questions that you really should not lie on for example

-are you sexually active -have you ever been pregnant -if your sex active do you use condoms?

so its all in how you feel but just relax it will be okay

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