Best herb & Vitamin for nerve damage & broken blood vessels ?

I have extreme pain in my left leg with obvious popped blood vessels & a lot of nerve damage.Went to emergency room yesterday in severe pain. Cat scan, Ultra Sound, MRI’s revealed nothing. Pain occurs primarily whenever I eat or drink anything? I apply Vitamin E Vitamin K creams, gives short time relief. Any suggestions on how to permanently repair nerve damage & broken blood vessels ? Thank you, in advance, for any ideas, Colleen

Answer #1

Vitamin C and P for blood vessel maintenance and healing. For P simply eat orange slices, not pills or juice. I’m not sure about everything you need for nerve growth, but the same vitamins plus fish, eggs and maybe nuts should be a good start. If the damage is at or near the surface you can try aloe.

But if you can’t eat much then don’t. Try to get the orange slices or, if you really must, get some juice since vitamin C isn’t stored in the body. Your body should already have some of the other things in storage. in In health food stores there are also fish oil supplements to replace the fish and lecithin to replace the eggs. 1000-1500 mg DHA + EPA oil (total of those two) and 3 tsp. lecithin per day should be plenty.

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