Health Questions

  1. How do I know if im going to get my period?
  2. What..Could I possibly have some form of Hirsutism?
  3. Why is it dangerous for a pregnant women to do x-rays on her teeth?
  4. How effective is low dose birth control?
  5. How to get rid of a cough without medication?
  6. Why do I have breathing probs?
  7. What am I sick with?
  8. Why do I start shaking when I eat or drink anything in public?
  9. What is it from? And is it odd to have one there?
  10. Why do I feel tired all the time and my muscles ache?
  11. What do dr.s give you?
  12. What is this (rash, or reaction)?
  13. Why does my back and front right side hurt when I sleep?
  14. Why am I not getting as much discarge as I should have?
  15. Who can help I need belly button infection advice?
  16. What:Can you still get orgasms if your tubes are tied?
  17. Why is my period only half of normal heaviness?
  18. Will vinegar and cranberry juice get weed out of my system?
  19. How to do kegals?
  20. Who has proved a that near death experience isnt true?
  21. Why do I get heat lumps all over my body?
  22. Why does my sister sh*t thn blood comes out?
  23. Would the chances of conception increase?
  24. what is going on.. I just ovulated but my boobs are tender?
  25. What: guys, is this healthy for a teenage guy?
  26. How can I get rid of dizzness?
  27. How do I know I started?
  28. Who can help me, do you think im pregnant? Please help?
  29. How do you know if you are having your period?
  30. Which is the good time to abort?
  31. Why am I having thick gooey discharge almost everyday?
  32. What effect does tetanus shot have on the contraception pill?
  33. Why do I have discoloration of my skin on my chest?
  34. How can I sleep during pregnancy?
  35. What birth control pill makes your breasts grow?
  36. What are my red spots on my thighs, outer groin and stomach?
  37. Where is the prostate?
  38. Why does my vagina look like this?
  39. What would make Maxi Pads more uncomfortable?
  40. What is Causing Severe Stomach Pains?
  41. What can I do about cramps I take vicodin and it doesnt work?
  42. What is a curviture of the spine?
  43. Does clitical rubbing effect my period?
  44. Why am I getting so much discarge in my pants?
  45. How do I deal with being bi-polar?
  46. How can I end my period that has been on for about 3 months?
  47. How or does make up damage your eyesight?
  48. What 's the diff. Between oxycodone and oxycotton?
  49. Why am I acting like this?
  50. How bad is my burn?
  51. How bad is it to take more pills den needed?
  52. What are the best remedies for stiff muscles?
  53. How do you know if you had a panic attack?
  54. Why do we have a butt crack?
  55. What tricks can you do with your tongue?
  56. How can I get rid of my phobia for deaths?
  57. What do you think I did to my ankle?
  58. How can a dr tell if your pee is snythic or real uran?
  59. How do I know what I am acting out on?
  60. When I add methadone to syn-pee it comes up positive?
  61. Why does my jizz / cum have a yellow tint?
  62. What do I do if the tampon is all the the way in and still feelit?
  63. What will make me stay awake?
  64. How should I convince her it's good for her?
  65. How do doctors give the mono test?
  66. What if I dont put a tampon in right?
  67. What-someone with physics or scientific knowledge please help! -?
  68. Why do my braces feel so hurtful???
  69. Who: Has anyone taken presctiption antiboitics for acne??
  70. Who do I tell that I've been abused?
  71. What Will Happen If you Smoke Weed & Cigars but you Have Asthma?
  72. Why are my emotions random?
  73. Can you be pregnant and that white clear discharge still comes out?
  74. How do I clean my system from meth?
  75. What if it didnt break?
  76. How can I get preg asap?
  77. What is wrong with me? I seriously can't cope anymore..?
  78. What- if you smoke bud while taking BC?
  79. What is an ekg test?
  80. How- am I taking this correctly?
  81. How? Is there a chance I have chlamidia?
  82. What is wrong with my stomach?
  83. What to do..burn from hot water, help!?
  84. How will taking the same medication affect me down the road?
  85. Why do I have marks on me suddenly?
  86. What case that you become positive in the test without a baby?
  87. What happens when you microwave a watelr bottle before drinking?
  88. How should I convince myself to fall asleep every night?
  89. what- Does mononessa birthcontrol make you gain weight?
  90. when you have a baby will your vag ever look the same lol?
  91. Why are my dreams so messed up?and what makes them messed up?
  92. What is this SHARP breast pain?
  93. what is the cause of girls getting wet "down stairs"?
  94. Why am I having deep pain under and deep under the navel area?
  95. Why do I feel eal dizzy and outta breath?
  96. Get rid of a really bad headache due to caffeine withdrawals?
  97. Why is my vagina still like this?
  98. What can I tell my mom so shell get me bc even tho im regular?
  99. what to do,two months late, negative result, Pregnat?
  100. What does my autistic friends behavior mean?