Who do I tell that I've been abused?

Okay basicly I was a victim of abuse and it has only just basicly came out to my family and I’ve always wanted to get something done about it but never had the corouge but now my sis really want me to because it happend to her … The question I have is ..

It happend when I was 12.. Its now been 5 years and the abuser was 13 can I get him done? The abuse lasted well over a year so until he was 14 ..

1st of all can I still get him done? 2nd was he to younge to be classed as an offender 3rd who do I go to? 4th what do I say?

Answer #1

Biancaxo1, I am so sorry, I didn’t know that he is making a routine. I didn’t get it right dear, this is something you cannot cover on and wait, report the case to the authorities and use all possible ways to make him charged, it has gone too far beyond the normal and he is not the type of forgiven even a single time. I am sorry once again, I didn’t get it right my dear.

I wish you get over this well and find mercy in those responsible people.

Answer #2

To Polystyrenehigh:

I went to the police about him .. seems like they are takin this quite sirously witch was good to see ..!

they are gatherin as much evidence as possible cz if I dotn have that much evidence then I wont be able to prosicute it but its all a matter or hope and luck now… I just hope it gets to court! if not ill be deverstated!

Answer #3

thanks (: I really feel im in massive need of support hes torn me I feel broken.. you cant fix a broken life he will never be able to give me these years of my life back ..:’(

Answer #4

yeah, I guess you could also check local laws there. im not from around your place so I wouldnt know. I really cant imagine the horror. I hope he goes to jail and never leave it. and as for the cops, dont settle for “we’ll have a word” its their job to make you feel secure.

that guy is one sicko.

Answer #5

Tell me this if you had a daughter who you admired and you found out a boy raped her at 12 then continued to abuse her for over a year what wud you do? ask her to forgive?

Answer #6

Heyy thank you

he done a lot of things and hes always had a hold on my life becaus of it he even addmited to my current boyfriend that he did it..

I no that in englad they take this stuff sirously I just panic about it.

and l8ly I’ve been havin night mear constantly I keep thinkin bout him in horro waht he did how he did it stranglin biting everythin imm soo scared of him yet hes soo weak..

my friend has even offerd to give evidence in jail for me cause after me he pressured her in to sex but didnt rape her

I want something to come of takin it to the police not well have a word you get me?

Answer #7

if that ever happened to my (future) daughter, ill never forgive him at all and I will make sure that he gets into the nastiest jail for life so he’ll suffer for the rest of his life and I will make sure he is as miserable as hell. any kind of sexual abuse is wrong and I dont think it merits forgiveness, at all. im not sure if he can still be punished by the law but I suggest you go call the cops and insist on it.

im sorry that happened to you and your sister. did he threaten you, that’s why you didnt report this sooner? I really am bothered about a lot of sexual abuses not getting reported :| it breaks my heart.

Answer #8

I trieds to forgive and then he forced me behind the school mobiles and abused me once again I get panic attacks and night mears I suffer from depression ill never for giv him

what makes it worse is that he then pressured my best friend in to havin sex also!

I will never forgiv him while he has made me ill and suffer he gets to have a care free life with everything never!

Answer #9

Eh, this was a bad experience that will never ever get out of your minds. But I know, in this world, there so many things that happen on human beings both the bad and good. This one yours was a bad but dont feel you are only the one who has ever faced this. I feel so sorry for you but I wanna ask you one thing. In your heart, do you have forgiveness?…Its heard to forgive such a fool but I guess it brings back nothing! You were all still young and years have passed, why dont you forgive and try to keep your life happy and forget?? Please try…I beg you. Wish you understanding and forgiving.


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