Health Questions

  1. does everyone know when they have to go potty because they get nauseous?
  2. Can syphilis cause acne?
  3. why is my brother acting like my dad?
  4. Who thinks the new teen mom with the season one girls is gonna be good??
  5. does anyone know about geritol complete?
  6. How to get my new bf to stop smoking???
  7. what makes a girl cumm ?
  8. How-- Can I get a sick note for work from the hospital or does it have to be from your GP?
  9. what are good ways to get rid of cramps besides advil and pamprin and the other pill kind?
  10. does your eye floaters cause reading difficulties , if so how do u handle it ?
  11. Can i go to the toilet with a tampon in?.
  12. what is your opionion on smoking??
  13. Why Does When My Foot Falls Asleep And It Wakes Up It Get's All Tingaly?
  14. Why does my Betta Fish keep taking in diffrent peices of fish food and then spitting each one of them out?
  15. How do you tell your "MOM" your pregnat?
  16. How to grow taller?
  17. what are the side effects of Kush ?
  19. what is the statute of limitations for medical malpractice on a minor?
  20. Is it possible for a virgin to become pregnant from a penis being near her private area, and there may have been pre ejaculation?
  21. How can my friend train himself to wake up LATER?
  22. Why am i brusing so much lately?
  23. what's it mean if you're out in the sun and get a headache?
  24. Can a one time strenuous activity cause CTS?
  25. What... Is there only one certian medicine that works for you when you have a headache?
  26. Why do I blush for no reason when I talk to other people, why could this be happening?
  27. could i possibly get a breast reduction at 15?
  28. What could a dark clump of squishy stuff be during my period and is this normal?
  29. should I get a tramp stamp or a butterfly on my ankle?
  30. Is it safe to take nitrofura if you have pustular psoriasis?
  31. When gauging your ears,how long can you keep them in and then take them out to the point where they can still go back to normal size?
  32. why do i throw up in the mornings but then im fine?
  33. How do you stop drooling when you sleep?
  34. what can i do to look at people in the eye?it is kinda hard and it gets harder when i wake in a place and there are a lot of people ;i cant look at them and i
  35. How long does vicodin "opiods" to clear out of your body?
  36. what could cause you knee to give out at random times?
  37. Is it normal for teenagers to not have a regular menstual cycle?
  38. What could this be?
  39. who thinks i should play mean tricks or scare my sleeping family? and if so what would be some good ways ?
  40. Who thinks i should take the bigger room?
  41. What does it mean if you have 'reflux'?
  42. Is it normal to have a bad bely after being fingered or is it something else thats causing a bad belly.?
  43. Do you or anyone you know have carpal tunnel syndrome? What are the symptoms?
  44. how do u know if your pregnant before taking a prego test?
  45. Are thick stretch marks dangerous?
  46. How come drinking water or the thought of doing it after I eat makes me wanna throw up or gag alot ?
  47. How to get pregnant if my menstrual period is irregular?
  48. What bit me?
  49. Why does my body reject just about everything after about 2 months of usage?
  50. How can I get rid of my allergy to cigarette smoke?
  51. What would small red spots, clustered together in a one inch straight line on the body be from?
  52. What d people find so interesting about smoking?
  53. Is being 20 years old,old?
  54. Why am i getting a rash on my breast?..
  55. what should i do i have a red spot on my breast it is smooth but it burns sometime should i be concerned?
  56. What do you talk about with a therapist?
  57. Why do i feel faint at random times like i could just close my eyes and fall asleep and never wake up?
  58. Why cant people see change in themselves,like when they lose or gain weight eveybody can see it but you?
  59. why do i have frequent mood swings and then i get frustrated ?
  60. How do you shave your knees without cutting them?!?!
  61. how early do you have to get up?
  62. Why do i have this feeling that if i stay with him ill be missing out on something?
  63. How many periods does a girl have in her lifetime?
  64. what is the average life span of people??
  65. Is it normal that I almost feel high after smoking a cigarette?
  66. Why do my eyes burn whenever I take a shower...(please read description)?
  67. what was your most painful trip to the hospital? and not for surgery
  68. What is the best way to start learning how to meditate?
  69. is it normal if most of the dreams i have are like scary and make me not want to go back to sleep?
  70. Is it possible to break a bone in your side?
  71. Why does my bf have a little tiny blister on his hand....?
  72. Why do you get goosebumps sometimes when you sneeze?
  73. what should i draw next, im into dark things, that involve the human body?
  74. Can you have an eating disorder without realizing it?
  75. What age do you start going to a gynocologist?
  76. Is it normal when a girl gets a physical for the doctor to pinch the vagina in certain areas? mine did and I see no point in it.
  77. What can i use to make mosquito bites stop itching?
  78. Does getting your teeth bleached ruin tooth enamel?
  79. What amount of water can be retain in the vagina, when 2 or 3 quarts can be retain in bowel as an enema?
  80. How do you hurt a boy mentally ?
  81. how do i make my sunburn go away fast???
  82. why do you get brain freezes.??
  83. why does warm salt water help mouth ulcers?
  84. Has anyone really got a yeast infection in there mouth from a new in mouth piercing?
  85. do you have to accully take the pill at the same time everyday, or can it be ganerally the same time?
  86. is it possible when fingering a girl to put a finger in the hole she pees from?
  87. is my boyfriend over reacting?
  88. Is there any natural way to enlarge a penis?
  89. What is the average erection size? I'm about 6.5 inches long nd about 5 inches in girth, so is that normal,large, or small?
  90. Who feels that all forms of birth control should be freely available to anyone?
  91. can you get pregnant if your partner cum and 10 seconds after you rub his sperm on the outside of your clit?? please help me figure this out?
  92. Can u get birth control pills at age 14 at a pharmacy?
  93. how long does it take for a layer of skin to grow back?
  94. Why is my sleep schedule weird?
  95. does a migraine feel like you got slammed in the head with a blunt object?
  96. what do you think about this??
  97. What is chronic enteritis and is it life threatening?
  98. Is It natural to be 5" at 16 years old?
  99. What's the best water temperature for taking a shower?
  100. How can I ask my doctor I think I can't get pregnant without getting a lecture?