Is being 20 years old,old?

Lol stupid question i know. :( but argh! I can;t stop thinking about the fact that i’m gonna be 20 in about 5 months. :( i feel old. >_<

Answer #1

I’m gonna be 20 in exactly 3 haha, no it’s not old but I get what your saying I feel old already =/

Answer #2

Yes, I’m 18 and I already feel old… No I’m kidding ur not even old enough 2 go clubbing (in the states) I say ur on ur prime

Answer #3

:( i don’t wanna be a grown up lol. >_<

Answer #4

OMG!!! You’re practically dust! lol

Answer #5

ROFL! how did you get best answer for that? Lmao

Answer #6

I’m almost 60….and I don’t feel old….there’s so much out there to learn still…

Answer #7

When I was going to turn twenty I felt like an oddball. :) I was like twenty has to be the worst age, you aren’t a teen anymore and not 21 to where you get more priviledges. I’m past that now and am about to be 29 next month. :( I’m scared to turn 30!! lol, I feel like that is old. Once you pass the age your worried about though it seems like it is young! So I guess when I’m about to turn 40 I’ll be dreading that and thinking wow 30 was so young!!

Answer #8

No wayy !! thats young !

Answer #9

no. being almost 22 is.

Answer #10

i may feel old tho depending on what your doing wit ur life and what u all been thru

Answer #11

-_- No?

Answer #12

it’s over rated.

Answer #13

It perplexes me too! lmfao

Answer #14

You can go clubbing in the states at 18, you just have to be marked as not able to drink.

Answer #15


Answer #16

lol thanks

Answer #17

Now that’s what I call living life to the fullest :D

Answer #18

You welcome :D

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