Health Questions

  1. can an animal make a woman pregnant?just curious
  2. what is the possibility that the sonogram was just not seeing my baby?
  3. why is there red stuff in my semen... Is it blood or something?
  4. when you are pregnant when does your stomach get bigger?when do you start showin?im 16 and is it a good way to tell my rents that im pregnant with
  5. what does it mean if when you tilt your head down, you get dizzy and everything starts spinning?
  6. How will taking a new piercing out effect me?
  7. What does it mean when you leak brain fluid from your nose?
  8. How can you cure bursitis other than physical therapy and taking meds?
  9. how many bottles of OZARKA water bottles do i have to drink to be drinking atleast enough water in a day???
  10. how much of our weight is water weight? and how can u get rid of it?
  11. what is the easiest way to go to sleep?
  12. Why is it that my prenantal vitamins are starting to make me sick at my stomach now?
  13. Does anybody know what these little red bumps are around my mouth, chin area?
  14. How do i go swimming when i have my periods and have no tampons?
  15. What is the best way to get rid of hormonal acne without pills?
  16. Is it true dat 10 dayz or less b4 da period of da gurl and 10 dayz after is where pregnancy mostly cant occur?
  17. What is this thick clear sticky gel like discharge? i just ended my period 2 weeks ago, an im getting this now?
  18. how do i get rid off insomnia?i went to the doctor,he gave me pills,i used them,then i found that i dnt sleep timely but when i sleep like in the morning or
  19. what is the best thing you can do when your tummy hurts like realllyyy bad?
  20. why do my breast hurt so bad when i take my bra off?
  21. Who can help me with the personnel cycle for a hospital?
  22. what is wrong with someone losing patches of hair? my niece is sick :(
  23. Is it possible for a 4.5 month old rottweiler get pregnant?
  24. How can I get over my fear of tornados?
  25. how do i get rid off sunburns (having these for about 6months :@ ) on my face and hands?
  26. how to treat under the skin pimples?
  27. Why does sometimes your vigina stink after you have already taken a shower?
  28. Does having cervicitis mean you cannot have children after its treated?
  29. How can you tell if you have a fever WITHOUT a thermometer?
  30. what to do when ur down wit a down broken collar bone?
  31. How overweight must one be to get the gastric bypass surgery?
  32. how much does a morning after pill typically cost?
  33. how are spider vains made and how to get rid of them??
  34. Why,My right nipple is all hard,it has an itch,and it hurts a bit .Anything wrong or just growing .?
  35. How can I wake myself from ‘sluggish zombie mode’?
  36. What could cause my butt and the upper back of my thighs to be really sore?
  37. who thinks that herbs can be better then medicines?
  38. How many times can a woman still get her period when she's pregnant?
  39. What happens If your hormones are off, can it throw off a pregnancy test?
  40. Can anyone tell me the symtoms of post-partum depression for pregnant women?
  41. How can you calm yourself quickly when you're really nervous?
  42. What's a really embarassing thing for a teenage guy to own?
  43. Is there anything scary about a tampon?
  44. How to stop your period in a day ?????
  45. wheres your g spot? no hates please
  46. what.. is it weird that i want a baby?
  47. What are some things I could do to help my young friend she's 12 wks in pregnancy?
  48. Does it count to say you skipped breakfast if you woke up at lunch time and ate right away(considering breakfast is supposed to be the most important meal)?
  49. Why haven't I had my period in over 50 days, is it normal?
  50. What causes hormone imbalance in women?
  51. does a miscarriage ALWAYS have severe pains?
  52. Should i be worried if my hairs falling out?
  53. What does a pinched nerve in your ankle feel like, and can you get one from hitting a hard object?
  54. Why does the inside of my belly itch, about and inch or less below my belly button?
  55. When you have cataracts, does your eyesite get worse everyday?
  56. how contagious is mono?
  57. Who knows if it's true that DMT is in your body and when you die or are about to it release it into yur brain?
  58. Who has facts about weed and brain cells?
  59. Who knows if the doctor will put me to sleep when i get my wisdom teeth taken out?
  60. What's the fastest way to get THC out of your system?
  61. Why am I having these crazy mood swings?
  62. how do you get rid of a sore throat when u can't swallow anything?
  63. how can a yeast infection be cured?
  64. How does weed really destroy brain cells does it at all?
  65. when you get a slight sunburn, and your face starts to peel a LiTtLe bit, wat kan you do to keep it from getting worse?
  66. who can tell me what exactly happens during a vaginal sonogram?
  67. What's good for a sore throat?
  68. Is there any way I can make my nipples stay erect or keep them out more? they're almost always just flat and they look horrible. xx
  69. Is my belly button piercing infected?
  70. What happens if your brain is swollen?
  71. What would happen if you were having anal and the condom fell off?
  72. Who else LOVES those new "U" by Kotex commercials?
  73. What tips/support can you offer me about my boyfriend managing his life threatening condition better?
  74. What:Is it possible to get a rash from water that had a dead body in it?
  75. Why is it that at night i have an intense painful discomfort in my muscles that feels like its going into the bone and tendons?
  76. why did i suddenly lose the ability to make high pitched sounds?
  77. What would happen If a doctor suddenly had a heart attack while doing surgery, would the other doctors work on the doctor or the patient?
  78. Is it a bad thing if you cant get to sleep?
  79. what can the doctors do if my husband doesn't think he is fertile?
  80. how could i treat boils && bumps under my armpits?
  81. How is it that so many post things about disabilities, yet none of them are of any help to my question?
  82. How do u make a scar less noticable because it brite red n hard to hide in the summer ?
  83. How stupid was I to let him drink my blood ?
  84. how come my bestie sayz she haz to wear umm pads like 24-7..she says white stuff comes out and she cant stop it! can she stop this stuff?
  85. what is your wisdom teeths?
  86. Why are people so scared of needles?
  87. Is it true that when a female cums, the taste is of what they last ate or drank?
  88. How long can a human last not going to the washroom before getting sick or like, having their bladder burst or something?
  89. Does anyone have any remedies for a "crick" in your neck?
  90. What does it mean for a mother (my mother to be exact) to dream about their daughter being raped?
  91. how come i have such i high pitched voice!?
  92. Can someone please help me with my body weight??!!
  93. Is there a better way to smile with braces?
  94. Why does my stomach hurt after I eat ?
  95. Should a 13 year old get a belly button piercing?
  96. why is my the left side of my body sore, i mean its so sore i cant even lean on my left side. it hurts Badly???
  97. why do girls have pubes in the side of your vagina ??
  98. How do I know if this is constipation or something worse?
  99. Who else does this stomach thing happen to?
  100. How does Pipto-Bismol give you "a darkening stool ?"