when you are pregnant when does your stomach get bigger?when do you start showin?im 16 and pregnant.how is it a good way to tell my rents that im pregnant with

my bf that they dont know i have and they dont like him for shit.they dont even want us bein friends.what can i do i need lots of help

Answer #1

Theres no “good” way to break the news to them. I suggest sitting them down and talking maturly. Tell them you have something that you need to tell them, you understand if their disapointed, but could they please be understanding because you need their help more than anything now. They will be upset at first but they will come around because they love you and they are your parents. Ass far as showing - youll sttartt gaining weight as early as two months but you wont start showing until around 5 months usually for your first baby. That does not mean you can wait to tell them - you need to tell them asap - theres alot to do. Your parents insurance usually will not cover your pregancy so you need to sign up for medicaid, you also need to see a doctor asap because prenatal care is important for you and the babies health, also start taking prenatal vitamins today, you can buy them at any place that sells vitamins, even walmartt and the dollar store carry them. Good luck.

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