Health Questions

  1. Am I too tall and big for my age?
  2. What are some injuries that causes Heterochromia?
  3. How can I deal with extreme depression?
  4. Why do my breasts hurt so much?
  5. How do I know when I'm going to start my period?
  6. Does anyone have advice for a possibly pregnant teen?
  7. Am I too short for my age?
  8. How soon should I test for pregnancy?
  9. Is there a legal solution to medical malpractice?
  10. How can I speed up my period?
  11. Why do I have morning sickness lately if I'm a virgin?
  12. Will I ever get my period?
  13. Can a girl get pregnant from this?
  14. How can I become happy?
  15. Am I too skinny?
  16. Why do I feel cold even when it's warm out?
  17. How can I help my friend who's becoming anorexic?
  18. Where was the parasite that causes malaria found?
  19. How can I gain back confidence?
  20. How can I pass my urine tests?
  21. Why am I burping so much?
  22. Why do I feel on edge?
  23. Can I still be pregnant with these test results?
  24. Will I gain weight from this food?
  25. What is Type II Diabetes?
  26. Should I try and get pregnant?
  27. How do you know if it's your period or pregnancy?
  28. How can I get my gums to stop swelling from braces?
  29. Why won't my period just get here?
  30. How can I get my self-esteem up?
  31. How can I lose 100lbs in a year?
  32. Is it normal to want to be raped?
  33. What do I do if my best friend is anorexic and bulimic?
  34. Should my boyfriend go to the hospital?
  35. How do I stop being suicidal?
  36. What if I'm worried about my friend's health?
  37. How do I make laxatives at home?
  38. What should I put on my skin for a sunburn?
  39. What's the difference between a laxative and colon cleanser?
  40. Is it normal to skip months of your period?
  41. How deep is your hymen?
  42. What are these symptoms a sign of?
  43. Should I go to the hospital for a stone in my hand?
  44. How do I get materials on anorexia?
  45. Is it normal to get my period twice in a month?
  46. What are the chances of getting pregnant?
  47. Is my erection problem psychological or physiological?
  48. Is it possible to insert a tampon in the urethra?
  49. Can you get pregnant while already being pregnant?
  50. How can I flush out my system after smoking marijuana?
  51. Can I be pregnant if I had signs of my period?
  52. What program will help my injured mother-in-law?
  53. Can I sleep on my stomach at 11 weeks pregnant?
  54. Why am I having thick brown discharge?
  55. Do you think I'm anorexic?
  56. How do I silence my stomach during class?
  57. Is my friend thinking about suicide?
  58. Is my penis too big for my age?
  59. Is my ovulation cycle 30 days long?
  60. Is it normal to lose your appetite at 7 weeks pregnant?
  61. Is mono still contagious after two weeks?
  62. How do you get small vessel ischemic changes?
  63. How do I swallow a really big pill?
  64. What if my Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia makes me feel different?
  65. What if I'm scared to tell them that I'm pregnant again?
  66. Will a pregnancy test be accurate?
  67. How can I stop getting staph infections?
  68. When does light brown discharge begin in pregnancy?
  69. What can I take to help my throat?
  70. What are these little spots on my arms and legs?
  71. Am I going to get pregnant if I use a condom?
  72. How can I get to sleep easier at night?
  73. Can you drink a lot of pickle juice?
  74. Why am I having major hair loss?
  75. How can I get pregnant already?
  76. Is it good or not to mast*rbate once a week?
  77. Is this helping me to be anorexic?
  78. How can I be a better anorexic in general?
  79. Has anyone had surgery on their labia?
  80. What is lactose intolerance?
  81. How can I help my GERD condition?
  82. How can I get pregnant if I have irregular periods?
  83. Should I be worried about this rash on my breast?
  84. When did I most likely get pregnant?
  85. Does it feel good or bad to be anorexic?
  86. How can I hide my eating disorder better?
  87. What are white bumps on the bottom of my tongue?
  88. What can I take for anemia?
  89. How can I stay anorexic/bulimic?
  90. How long will THC show up on hair tests?
  91. How long will it take to become pregnant after IUD removal?
  92. Can I get pregnant again after a miscarriage?
  93. How can I cope with crowds at my new classes?
  94. Can I be pregnant from precum?
  95. Is red bumps on my tongue a sign of herpes?
  96. How do I stop binge eating?
  97. How much water do I have to drink to clean out my system?
  98. How can I cheaply go from black to blonde on my roots?
  99. How can I stop feeling so depressed?
  100. Should I go to the hospital?