Health Questions

  1. Fundal measurements in pregnancy
  2. This is about my sister's audiologist
  3. How to tell mom that I need help for depression?
  4. I don't grow armpit hair, is this a problem?
  5. Im sick of feeling scared !
  6. Are plastic drinking bottles numbered for safety?
  7. Can I be pregnant if I got my period?
  8. Punching mirrors
  9. What are ways to tell your boyfriend you're pregnant?
  10. Not getting a good sleep lately
  11. 64oz Water, should you drink more?
  12. What causes clotting during my period?
  13. I haven't had a period in 4 months
  14. I need help, I'm being harassed by a mentally ill family member
  15. Trying To Have a Baby, Not Working?
  16. Getting sick a lot?
  17. How do I know if I have social anxiety disorder or just shyness?
  18. Can I get pregnant if my boyfriend pees in me?
  19. Any moms out there with add? How do you cope?
  20. How can I get rid of stomach pain?
  21. How do you get tan if youre anemic?
  22. Ovulating pains?
  23. Good allergy medicine?
  24. How to deal with painful, allergy eyes?
  25. Pregnancy cramps versus period cramps?
  26. Pregnant but spotting
  27. Natural Medicines
  28. Is it normal to laugh at the Doctors?
  29. I hate school counselors
  30. Whats causing all of these headaches?
  31. What do you think of my sisters situation and what our mom said
  32. My vagina is very itchy and it hurts a lot
  33. Best way to make myself sleep?
  34. Is there a chance that I'm pregnant?
  35. Dealing with nightshifts
  36. Can you get pregnant 11 days before your period?
  37. What connects the optic nerve to the eye?
  38. How do I rid my system of THC safely being that I am pregnant?
  39. Can cell phones cause brain cancer?
  40. Substance building up in my nipples?
  41. How to calm a friends suicidal thoughts
  42. Gingivitis?
  43. Asprin while pregnant
  44. Weird periods
  45. I dont know if my vagina is normal ?
  46. How do I tell my Dad my hair fell off down there?
  47. Hair loss
  48. How do I buy percocet without prescription?
  49. Swallowing is killing?
  50. 14 inch p*nis the biggest?
  51. Are these symptoms of a panic attack?
  52. So nervous about starting my period
  53. I have a cyst in my left arm
  54. Advice on quitting smoking
  55. Does the weight gain mean I'm pregnant?
  56. Did I do the pregnancy test too soon?
  57. How to keep running track if I smoke?
  58. Bipolar Disease?
  59. No period,Not Pregnant, Nor have stress,Then what?
  60. What are HIV symptoms?
  61. How can I make my dad stop smoking?
  62. Why do people snore?
  63. Nerve endings?
  64. Do Unborn babies feel when the mother has an abortion?
  65. If my mother has pneumonia, is there a possiblity I could catch it?
  66. Can I get pregnancy if I haven't had my period in months?
  67. Biological clock, how would you know?
  68. Is anyone else addicted to cracking their knuckles?
  69. Biological clock, is it a specific length of time?
  70. Blurry Pregnancy test
  71. Is blood blue?
  72. Can you get pregnant a week or two before your period?
  73. What do I do about my anorexic friend?
  74. Normal Pregnancy test
  75. How soon can I take a pregnancy test with TTC?
  76. Should I take some of my Dad's Xanax?
  77. How do get rid of hiccups?
  78. Did I do the right thing?
  79. What's the deal with cutting?
  80. Nipple pain, abnormal?
  81. Do penis piercings cause infertility?
  82. Can a woman get pregant with pre-ejaculate ?
  83. Most common methods used to cope with stress?
  84. Confused pregnant 14-year-old
  85. Side effects, must you take too many?
  86. Depression Or Stress?
  87. Why would you want to end your life?
  88. Something wrong if I got my period twice in a month?
  89. Contact Dermatitis from Shaving?
  90. The emporer's new healing salve
  91. Optic nerve strong?
  92. 14 and pregnant, help?
  93. Service dogs
  94. Stomach pains again
  95. Is it possible to be pregnant?
  96. 4 weeks pregnant and bleeding
  97. What should I do?
  98. Anyone here raped ?
  99. Rules to being straight-edge
  100. Do you think ill get taller?