Can I be pregnant if I got my period?

I dont know what to do..seei thought I was pregnet ( yes I relise im young) as me and my boyfriend had a stupid moment and didnt use a condom ..and I was realy late for me period..but then I came on for only two days (but heavy as girls/women will understand)so I dont know whats heppening.. andi was emmbarsed to teell my boyrfriend and hes stil bugging me to go to the doctors thoo “before its to late”:\ and I have heard you can be on if you are preg becoz of sumthink to do with the egg :s lol any advice ? (sorry for spelling hopefuly yous will understand) (: no juding!! x

Answer #1

You do need to go to the doctor, whats stopping you? You could go get a pregnancy test from the store - if its a negative then wait a week and test again. You should still go to the doctor though because not only could you be pregnant but you can have an STD. If you aren’t pregnant you need to get on birth control and you need to buy some condoms right away.

Answer #2

Everyone makes mistakes. However, now is a great time to learn from them. Go talk to your mom. She will probably be upset and disappointed, but she will forgive you. You need to go to a gynocologist and get checked out. The doctor can also give you information on STD’s and share options on birth control so this doesn’t happen again.

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