Did I do the right thing?

Ok, so as many know I have depression issues, and I told my friend, but it doesnt feel right. Did I mess up by telling her, now I dont know if I can talk to her again :s

Answer #1

You did the right thing. If this is really your friend, s/he’ll be undestanding. If not, isn’t it good to find out?

Answer #2

If you are having problems or are depressed, below are a couple of sites that may help you:


Check out the Befrienders link below. They are not only a suicide hotline but also offer help to people who are stressed or are in a state of depression.


(If it’s not an active link, simply copy and paste it into your browser’s address box.)

If in the U.S.A., you also have access to:

Girls and Boys Town National Hotline

Call With Any Problem, Any Time



(If it’s not an active link then simply copy and paste it into your browser’s Address box.)

Answer #3

I know it sucks but depression is a normal feeling, just like happiness an everything else. The thing is if your able to know your feelings and let someone know how you feel it is really more help for you even if someone else doesnt understand. I really hope you feel better, and friends will always understand. Late :-)

Answer #4

Dear jaes, Depression is not normal and needs medical attention. There is not need for anyone to go through this. You told your friends because you may not feel you are getting the proper help. I suggest you speak with an adult and get the proper medical attention you need. Along with counselling you should be able to live a happy normal life. Sue…good luck

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