14 and pregnant, help?

I’m 14, found out 2 days ago that I’m pregnant. I told the father (his 17) as soon as I found out. He is telling me to ‘kill’ it, anyway as long as it’s gone. he said get bashed, but that could kill me, then he said take this tablet, but then I don’t know if I’ll be able to get pregnant later in life if I do that. and then I said I might have it, and he said if I did he would leave Victoria and leave me to do everything. But I don’t want to kill the baby, and I don’t know if I could give it up either. But I don’t know if I can do it alone.


Answer #1

dont kill a baby for anyone, give it up for adoption or keep it. your baby has a heartbeat and fingernails. you will live without a man. you have your family and friends. abortion is murder. I have 3 beautifu baby boys, and love every minute of it. give it up for adoption please I know someone who would love your baby unconditionally, including me. email me if you plan adoption kleinputerb @hotmail.com

Answer #2

wow thats bad, would you ever think about open adoption where you can see the baby when ever you want, I dont think you should keep your child if you can no care for it, without support from him and your family, but thats just me. I am 30 years old and have two wonderful boys my husband and I have been married for over ten years and would love to adopt if you think about doing the whole adoption thing or if you just want to talk shelleycrews@telus.net

Answer #3

you don’t want to rot in hell do you,well don’t listen to this guy,keep the baby let him do what he want’s if he likes he should vanish from the surface of earth

Answer #4

listen to urself. do you really want to kill it just because this jerk told you to. if he is going to leave you you shouldnt have had sex with him in the first place. do what you want not this jerk. tell your parents they need to know and let them help you in your decition. hopei helped ~kaitlyn~

Answer #5

listen it is your choice to keep the baby. The baby is in your so its yours. And that guy is an idoit! I suggest you leave him. And if you did want to “get rid of it” then go see a doctor, do it the safe way. But please no matter what anyone says to do, just do what you want to. Good luck with eveything. Please remeber…

its your body, its you baby, and its your choice…

Answer #6

sweetheart first of all im 14 ((not a virgin and has had 2 pregnancy scares)) please do not kill your baby it deserves a chance at life. just like everyone else I could never kill anything that is a apart of me and I couldnt give it away either if you cant do that either then keep it and try to support it
its worth it and consider urself lucky because there are a lot of people out there who cant get pregnant

and funmail me if you want to talk

Answer #7

Ok first your boyfriend is NOT a Man, how in the world he put his dick on you and now he does’t want his son, this baby maybe is to early to have it but is a GIFT from God. And maybe if you took that pill I can be truth that your not going to have more babys. So do what your Heart tell you. I know a girl the same happens to her, now her son is almost 3 years he is so CUTE baby. she was 15 when she get pregnant. Good Luck, I hope I help. And God bless you…

Answer #8

ok, first off you need to stop listening to this guy. this guy sounds like a jerk, hes not going to help you, so just forget him. do not get “bashed” its not only going to cause your baby harm but you as well, never put yourself at risk of injury or death. dont take anything he tells you to take, you never know what possible side affects random pills can have if you know nothing about them. you need to go to the doctor if you dont want the baby. but if you do, then id advise you to tell your parents. at first theyll be mad but they should come around and help you with your decision. youve made a mistake and now you should deal with the consiquence responsibly. dont do anything you dont want to. its your body, and your baby. and your choice weather you keep it or not.

Answer #9

Well, you dont want to do anything that would really hurt or kill you. I found out I was preg at 17 and my fiance tried punching me in the tummy and making me drink, nothing happened to the baby, she is fine and almost a year old now. but if you want the baby, have it, a bet there will be atlest one person there willing to help you, and I practicly raise our daughter on my own, its not that hard, a little stressful but not to hard. If he’s going to leave you for becoming preg. with his child, its probably not best to stay with him (I know you prob dont want to hear that) but its true. Im here to talk to my e-mail is xoxjoshsangelxox@yahoo.com and my myspace is www.myspace.com/jasminesmommy4ever

talk to me anytime :D

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